Is it necessary to change the bidding form when the estimation changed?

Sun, 17 Mar 2019 03:07:00

In case the approved cost estimate of the bidding package is higher or lower than the bidding package price stated in the approved contractor selection plan, such estimate shall replace the bidding package price in the contractor selection plan.

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Calculation of annual leave daysfor employees in case of work transition

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 10:36:00

Mr. Bui Van Hung (in Hanoi) participated in the work since January 1992. In January 2015, he moved to work at the City Blind Association. He would like to ask, has the time for taking annual leave been calculated from 1992 or calculated from the transition time to a new office?

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Enterprises are entitled to receive results immediately upon online declaration

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 14:14:00

Through the receiving and responding system to people's feedback and recommendations, Mr. Nguyen Van Hung said that the regulations on licensing and declaration of chemicals for import and export in the Decree No. 113/2017 / ND-CP is making difficulties for businesses and state agencies in implementation.

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Public non-business units are leased public assets

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 14:12:00

If public non-business unitshave needs to use public properties for rent purposes, they must make a scheme to use public properties for leasing purposes and be permitted by competent agencies or persons.

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Does a bidding packageof renovation and reparationapply to contractor designation?

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 14:08:00

Mr. Pham Hoang Trung’s office (in Hanoi) is a state-owned enterprise which hold more than 50% of the capital; have a project of purchasing machinery and renovatingas well as repairing factories. Quoted price to renovate and repair factories is under VND 400 million that is subject to self-financed capital and assigned to a private unit to execute the construction package.

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Are commonly shared works expensesallocated to bid prices?

Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:43:00

According to Article 5 of the Circular No. 03/2015 / TT-BKHĐT, The quoted price must be constituted by construction, commonly shared works and provision expenses.

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Is the named on the National Bidding System meeting the requirements?

Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:41:00

If the contractor has been named on the National Bidding Network, it shall be deemed to meet the requirements of eligibility as stated in Point d, Clause 1, Article 5 of the Bidding Law.

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Should company make a clarification of bids or giving fail results to bids?

Sun, 24 Feb 2019 13:03:00

The clarification of bids shall be made only between the procuring entities and the bidders that need to clarify bids and must ensure the principle of not changing the nature of the bidders participating in bids.

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Provisions on termination of contracts with eligible retirement workers

Sun, 24 Feb 2019 12:07:00

Mr. Le Ngoc Huynh (in Hochiminh City) would like to ask authorities to clarify some regulations on termination of labor contracts for employees eligible for enjoyment of pension.

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Procedures for changing foreign driving licenses

Sun, 24 Feb 2019 11:58:00

The company of Mr. Dinh Hoa (in Ha Nam Province) has employees who are foreigners and have licenses to drive cars issued in Korea. Mr. Hoa would like to ask authorities to answer about the procedure to change the driver's license in this case.

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Contract negotiations in shortened competitive offers

Sun, 24 Feb 2019 11:55:00

One of the principles of contract negotiation is not to conduct negotiations on the contents of the tender offered by the bidder according to the requirements of the bidding documents.

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Rectificationof civil status in case that information on birth certificate is not correct.

Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:44:00

Ms. Pham Thi Hong Lan's cousin (in Quang Ninh Province) is a Vietnamese but she has been settling in Germany for more than 45 years, has a German nationality, renounced Vietnamese Nationality. On the birth certificate of her cousin, her father's name was incorrectly recorded. Ms. Lan would like to ask, her cousin wants to correct the information about her father's name on her birth certificate, ...

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Solving quarantine procedures problems to imported plant origingoods

Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:42:00

Through the receiving and responding system of businesses’ recommendations , the Nhung Nhu Joint Stock Company (in Ho Chi Minh City) requests the competent authorities to consider and remove problems of imported food safety inspection procedures with sauce that hasplant origin and mustard.

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Bases for determination of the form of bidding package

Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:40:00

In case the software purchased is available in the market, it is not required to hire a consultant to design it, it is considered a commodity and a package to buy equipment and software is a goods bidding package.

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Procedures for issuing judicial record cardwhile abroad

Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:38:00

Mrs. Le My is residing in Australia, because of naturalization procedures, she needss to get a judicial record card. Mrs. My would like to ask, what procedures doesshe need to do?, she cannot return to Vietnam, Can she ask her daughter to submit it on be haft of her?

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Is it able that interruption of more than 12 months connected to the working time?

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:22:00

According to regulations, for officials at communal level who hold the title under the Decree No. 09/1998 / ND-CP, the interruption time before January 1998 is not more than 12 months, the time shall be added byprevious working time with later working time to calculate social insurance.

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Conditions apply direct shopping

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:15:00

The agency of Ms. Le Diep (in Hanoi) organized a bidding package for goods procurement, with a biding winning unit and signed a contract. In the process of implemention of the contract, the agency arises the need to buy one more package of goods with the same contents, unit price and less than 50% of the value of the original bidding package.

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Is it possible to arrange compensatory leave instead of overtime pay?

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:47:00

Ms. Ha Nguyet's company (hanguyet66 @ ...) requires employees to work on holidays, but does not pay salary for working holidays in accordance with the Labor Code but arranges employees to take off for 3 days. Ms. Nguyet would like to ask, is that appropriate?

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