Standing Committee

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 02:19:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:



Mr. Pham Tan Cong
Chairman and President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office address: No 9, Dao Duy Anh Street, Dong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Office phone number: (024) 35742026

Fax: (024) 35742020, 35742030

Curriculum Vitae




Mr. Vo Tan Thanh
Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office address: 171 Vo Thi Sau Str., District 3., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Office phone number: (028) 39321788

Fax: (028) 39325472




Mr. Hoang Quang Phong
Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office address: No 9, Đao Duy Anh Street, Đong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Office phone number: (024)3 5771331

Fax: (024) 35742020, 35742030




Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh
Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office address: No 9, Đao Duy Anh Street, Đong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Office phone number: (024)35744002

Fax: (024)35742020




Mr. Bui Trung Nghia
Vice President of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Office address: No 9, Đao Duy Anh Street, Đong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Office Phone number: (024) 35770683/35742022 - Ext: 332

Fax: (024)35742020; (024)35742030




Ms. Tran Thi Lan Anh
General Secretary of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Director Geaneral of the Bureau for Employer's Activities


Office address: No 9, Đao Duy Anh Street, Đong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone number: (024) 35742164/35742022 - Ext: 214

Fax: (024)35742020; (024)35742030





Mr. Dau Anh Tuan
Deputy General Secretary of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Director Geaneral of the Legal Department


Office address: No 9, Dao Duy Anh Street, Dong Đa District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone number: (024) 35742021 

Fax: (024)35771459; (024)35770632



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