What is the density of individual housing construction?

Wed, 24 May 2023 15:03:00

Mr. Mai Ngoc Duc (Dong Nai) "owns" a land plot of 300 m2. The purpose of using 200 m2 is residential land in urban areas and 100 m2 is suitable for the planning of existing residential land, renovating and embellishing.

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Is a Certificate of land use rights issued for state-assigned land for production purposes?

Wed, 24 May 2023 15:03:00

In 1988, the parents of Ms. Do Thi Ngoc Lan were assigned uncultivated land by the government for production purposes. The handover documents from the committee stated that the land was for long-term use and could not be transferred.

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How should taxes be declared and paid for multiple parcels of land exceeding the land limit?

Wed, 24 May 2023 14:14:00

If the taxpayer has the right to use multiple land plots in different districts and some of these plots exceed the land use limit, they can choose to submit a consolidated tax declaration to the tax authority where the exceeded plot(s) is located.

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What are solutions to limit investors 'circling the law' from raising capital?

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

The Ministry of Construction has just issued a written response to a question from National Assembly deputy Nguyen Thi Le (Ho Chi Minh City National Assembly Delegation) about the situation of illegally mobilizing capital for real estate without meeting legal conditions.

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How to handle unuse recovered land?

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

Mr. Bui Hoang Kien (Ha Giang) asked, agricultural land is recovered to build public works, but the work does not use all the recovered agricultural land, so how will this area be handled?

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It is not compulsory to change the use purpose of the whole land plot

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

Mr. Tran Ngoc He (Bac Ninh) has a garden that was granted a certificate of land use rights in 2004. Now he is in the process of converting the land use purpose into residential land.

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The district level must publicize land use planning dossiers

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

According to the reflection of Mr. Nguyen Quoc B. (Binh Thuan), the decisions of the Provincial People's Committee on the land use planning plan for the period 2021-2030 have been announced without attached the summary report and the planning map, in case it has been announced, it is necessary to clearly cite the source so that people can follow it.

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Proposing additional subjects for land allocation and land lease without auction

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

Socio-professional organizations have an influence in social life, contributing to the development of the economy, helping to avoid legal risks; contribute to the protection of justice and social justice; contributing to the development of institutions, policies, and laws..., but the Land Law has not included land allocation or land lease without auction of land use rights.

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Regulations on extension of land use for annual crops

Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:55:00

Mr. Nguyen Bien Cuong (Lai Chau) is using a piece of land (purchased in 2018), has been granted a certificate of land use right, including a part of the area is residential land and the rest is land for annual crops – garden located on the same parcel of land). Land is in normal use, no dispute.

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The proposal should fully regulate the rights of land users

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:38:00

Clause 8, Article 24 of the Draft Land Law (amended) stipulates an important group of citizens' rights to land. However, according to the content of the Draft, it can easily lead to the inability to distinguish between land users in general and citizens in particular with what rights.

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Documents proving the legal land use rights

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:38:00

Mr. Nguyen Hoang (Cao Bang) asked, in the Land Register in 1986, there was a parcel of land in which the name of the land user was his father, but it was recorded as "temporarily assigned", so can this book be considered as one of the documents to prove that his father has the legal right to use that land and has the right to divide the inheritance among his children?

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Basis for classification and classification of construction works

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:38:00

Mr. Nguyen An asked, which group of works does the center for production and promotion of cartoons belong to? How is the decentralization and what documents states this?

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Conditions for being granted a Certificate and not having to pay land use levy

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:38:00

Ms. Tran Thi Hoang Ha (Da Nang) requested the competent authority to answer the case where the provisions of Point b, Clause 1, Article 100 of the Land Law 2013 on granting a certificate of land use rights and do not have to pay land use levy.

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Where to submit a land change registration application?

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:38:00

Mr. Tran Van P. (Quang Ngai) made a change registration application (extension of garden land use period) and sent it to the One-Single-Window Department of the Commune People's Committee. However, he was instructed by the commune officer to go to the district's One-Single-Window to submit. Mr. P. asked, according to regulations, where do he need to submit his application in this case?

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There is no house on the acquired land, can resettlement be arranged?

Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:02:00

Mr. Nguyen Van Sang permanently resides in Ho Chi Minh City. Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa province. He has a plot of land in Cam Lam district, which is now fully recovered by the State. On the land Mr. Sang has not built a house, can he be resettled? In the place of permanent residence, there is no house under Mr. Sang’s name.

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Do public investment projects have to carry out land allocation procedures before they can be constructed?

Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:02:00

Mr. Doan Quoc Danh (Phu Yen) asked, should projects using public investment capital for socio-economic development for national and public interests be subject to land acquisition by the state? Is the procedure for land allocation done before construction begins, or is it enough to just hand over the ground to start construction?

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Compensation conditions for land acquisition in the traffic corridor

Tue, 21 Feb 2023 10:25:00

Mr. Nguyen Van Cong's family (Bac Giang) has a plot of land located along Provincial Road 284 (now National Highway 17). This is the land left by his father, which the family has used stably from before 1945 until now.

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In which case investors are allocated land without auction?

Tue, 21 Feb 2023 10:25:00

The project of the resort, sport, commerce and entertainment area was approved for investment policy and investors on March 11, 2020. Planned land: Commercial and service land.

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