Land rental incentives for equitized enterprises

Sun, 31 Jan 2021 14:21:00

Specialties Fisheries Joint Stock Company equitized since May 1, 2002. As a rule, the Company is given preferential land rent for equitized state-owned enterprises according to Decree No. 44/1998 / ND-CP, and is exempted from land rent for 6 years from the date of signing the land lease contract.

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Have a land transfer agreement to do an industrial cluster project?

Mon, 30 Nov 2020 16:49:00

The use of land to carry out an industrial cluster project is in the case where the State acquires land, compensates, and site clearance for the purpose of socio-economic development for the benefit of national, public.

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What conditions does a land use planning consultancy company need to ensure?

Sun, 29 Nov 2020 19:14:00

Readers with email nguyenhungx @ xx asked: I have been working in the field of consultancy on making planning on land use plan for 5 years in a state-owned unit. In the near future, I plan to set up a separate company to do business in this field. In order to be able to do business in this field, what conditions does my company need to ensure?

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Granting home ownership to overseas Vietnamese

Tue, 24 Nov 2020 20:07:00

Mr. Vu Bach (in HCM City) asked, if a Vietnamese person resides abroad and has a certificate of Vietnamese origin, but does not reside in Vietnam, when issuing the Certificate for the apartment, are households in the apartment project required to provide proof of residence in Vietnam? If yes, what kind of documents?

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How to pay for changing land use purpose?

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 17:16:00

Mr. Nguyen Huu Tai (in Quang Binh Province) asked: Based on Point a, Clause 2, Article 5 of Decree 45/2014 / ND-CP when I change the purpose of using garden land, pond land and the same parcel of land with house to residential land. Am I required to add my housing assets to get a 50% discount on my land use fee?

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Why is the red book not a valuable asset?

Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:57:00

According to article 105 of the Civil Code 2015, Property comprises objects, money, valuable papers and property rights.However, this Code does not specify what valuable papers are or what types of valuable papers include.

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Transfer or donation of land use rights must be authenticated

Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:55:00

Mr. Trinh Huy Tung's family (in Thanh Hoa Province) has 4 brothers and sisters who are married and living separately. Before his, his parents’ death, his parents had to process all land papers and houses under the name of Mr. Tung, but did not leave a will. Currently, his siblings are asking to divide their assets equally.

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Where is the reduction of land use fees?

Fri, 18 Sep 2020 16:44:00

Pham Trung Duc's father (in Hai Phong City) was wounded 4/4. Previously, his father bought land A, an area of 500 square meters and had a land use right certificate, so he did not apply for a reduction of land use fees according to the policy towards people with meritorious services.

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Issue a red book in case of common land use right

Wed, 16 Sep 2020 15:24:00

For a land parcel with many persons sharing the same use right, the Certificate must fully state the names of those who have the same use right and issue to each person a Certificate. Ms. Dang Thi Kim Chung (in Hanoi), referring to Point a, Clause 2.3, Article 8 of Circular 25/2014 / TT-BTNMT and found the regulation: “a) The land parcel is determined according to the scope of management and use of a land users or a group of land users or of a person assigned by the State to manage the land; Have the same use purpose as prescribed by law on land ”.

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How to use compensation amount when the agency has land acquired?

Thu, 10 Sep 2020 16:13:00

In case the agency, organization or unit has a partial land acquisition (the unit does not have to relocate to the new establishment), how will the fund management and use be compensated? Is there any construction investment or must be paid to the State budget?

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What is residential land with garden and pond?

Fri, 28 Aug 2020 16:04:00

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Thao (Quang Nam Province) bought 635m2 of land for perennial crops since 2005, converted 100m2 to residential land to build a house, the rest she works as a garden to grow perennial and fruit trees. Currently she wants to transfer 300m2 to residential land.

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Which case of changing the land use purpose does not have to submit for permission?

Tue, 25 Aug 2020 16:42:00

Mr. Nguyen Dung Manh (in Thai Nguyen Province) would like to ask, The certificate of land use right is issued to a household with residential land, but the head of the household builds a workshop (trading steel on land), so is this constructionto be contrary to the purpose of land use? Which regulations are based on to confirm?

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Transfer of land use right without a red book?

Wed, 22 Jul 2020 16:26:00

According to Article 188 of the Land Law, one of the conditions for land users to transfer land use rights is to have a certificate of land use right and house ownership. and other properties associated with the land.

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Competence to resolve land disputes

Tue, 21 Jul 2020 16:35:00

According to Mr. Thach Thanh Phung (in Tra Vinh Province), in 2015, Mr. Phung bought 1 parcel of land, an area of 11mx28m, for an amount of VND 77 million. The two sides only made a written agreement, the seller promised that after a few months, he would make the land use right transfer certificate, so Mr. Phung trusted to hand over 73 million dong to the seller.

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Land-use rights for overseas Vietnamese citizens

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 16:02:00

Rights and obligations involving land use of overseas Vietnamese who are eligible to own houses in Viet Nam; foreign individuals or overseas Vietnamese who are ineligible to buy houses associated with land use rights in Viet Nam.

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House ownership right toPeople of Vietnamese Decent

Wed, 08 Jul 2020 16:04:00

Foreign individuals with a certificate of People of Vietnamese decent are only entitled to select an applicable subject being Vietnamese residing overseas or foreign individuals to determine house ownership.

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Principles of land use levy exemption or reduction

Tue, 23 Jun 2020 15:27:00

Mr. Tran Thanh Binh (in Kon Tum Province) is a retired and wounded 2/4 officer and is infected with toxic chemicals at the rate of 41% to 60% and has been certified. He has a 4th grade house, lives with his children and grandchildren.

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What is the fee for issuing the red book?

Fri, 29 May 2020 15:45:00

Mr. Lo Van Duc's family lived in Chieng Pha Commune, Thuan Chau District, Son Province, had a house built before 1993, currently there is no dispute. Mr. Duc has repeatedly declared for land use right certificates in batches, but so far it has not been resolved.

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