VIR to host exclusive talkshow 'Unleashing capital influx in the stock market'

Thu, 15 Jun 2023 22:52:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Join industry leaders and experts as they discuss effective strategies for capital mobilisation and investment prospects in the stock market, in an engaging talk show organised by VIR.

VIR to host exclusive talkshow 'Unleashing capital influx in the stock market'

In recent years, the stock market has been confronted with unprecedented volatility, most notably during the disruptive era of the pandemic. Nonetheless, it has demonstrated an exceptional ability to rebound and flourish, attracting a wave of fresh investors and witnessing a surge in market liquidity.

Recognising the significance of these developments, VIR will orchestrate an enthralling talk show, slated for Thursday June 15. Distinguished leaders from the State Securities Commission, leading securities firms, and listed businesses will converge to delve into the intricacies of effectively harnessing the stock market as a potent capital mobilisation avenue in the contemporary landscape.

The talk show will present an opportune moment for the investor community to seek out promising investment prospects, perceiving the stock market as a thriving conduit for profit generation.

In early 2020, the market witnessed a drastic downturn as the pandemic struck, with the indices plunging from the zenith of 960 points to a nadir of 650 points by the end of March.

However, despite the nationwide outbreak, the stock market exemplified resilience, staging an impressive recovery and surging to new heights during the latter half of 2020 and throughout 2021.

The influx of new investors quickly eclipsed the 5 per cent mark of the population, surpassing the government's ambitious three-year plan and leading to a substantial upswing in market liquidity, marked by trading sessions involving billions of VND.

Against this backdrop, the talk show sets out to unravel the means by which businesses can continue to tap into the capital mobilisation potential offered by the stock market in this evolving milieu. It serves as a compelling platform for the investor community to navigate the intricate terrain of investment opportunities, recognising the stock market as a fertile ground for wealth accumulation and asset appreciation.

The theme, "Unleashing capital influx in the stock market" has garnered significant interest from market participants, spurring the organisation of this captivating talk show.

The talk show will boast an esteemed lineup of luminaries, including:

Ta Thanh Binh, director of the Market Development Department under the State Securities Commission, renowned for her visionary leadership.

Dang Thanh Tam, chairman of Kinh Bac Urban Development Corporation (KBC), a trailblazer in the industry.

Vu Duc Tien, CEO of Saigon - Hanoi Securities Company (SHS), celebrated for his astute market insights.

Nguyen Vu Long, chairman of VNDIRECT Securities Corporation, lauded for his exceptional entrepreneurial acumen.

Tran Huy Doan, director of the Derivatives Market Division at ACB Securities Company (ACBS), distinguished for his expertise in the derivatives market.

The talk show, curated by VIR and its Vietnamese sister publication Bao Dau Tu/Dau Tu Chung Khoan will be broadcast live at 9am on June 15 through various channels, including YouTube, the newspaper's fan page, and its e-platforms (,

The programme's information will be synthesised and analysed in-depth through the newspaper's publications, as well as other media outlets and press agencies.

By: Tri Lam/ Vietnam Investment Review



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