Conference with national business associations in 2024 and commemorating Vietnamese Entrepreneur Day (October 13).

Thu, 01 Aug 2024 10:29:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

To effectively continue implementing activities in the coming period, acknowledging and honoring the contributions of the community of business associations and entrepreneurs, VCCI plans to organize a national conference with business associations and commemorate the 20th anniversary of Vietnamese Entrepreneur Day in October 2024. The conference is expected to be attended by leaders from the Party and the State, relevant Ministries involved in the management and support of business and entrepreneurship activities, as well as independent experts...

In preparation for this important event, we respectfully request that the esteemed leadership of the associations/organizations oversee and prepare a comprehensive report on the activities of the associations/organizations, the business production and operation activities of member enterprises, proposals, solutions, and recommendations to the Party, State, Ministries, local authorities, VCCI... regarding association work, members, and the business community, promoting innovation and creating a favorable business environment for enterprises in the field of the association/organization in particular, and the business community in general (Attached report template). Please submit the report to the VCCI Member Affairs Committee by September 30, 2024.

On this occasion, VCCI sincerely thanks the cooperation and support of your esteemed leadership for this event in particular, and related collaborative programs in the future. For related information, please contact: VCCI Member Affairs Committee - (Mr. Hung, Mr. Bach, Tel: 024. 35742107; 0913307797 Fax: 024.35742020/35742030 Email:; We will send information and invite your esteemed organization to attend the conference when the official program is available.

With warm regards. /.

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