Procurement package for domestically manufactured goods, what are the preferential treatments?

Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:29:00

Mr. Le Huy Quyen's unit (Can Tho) organized a wide-ranging domestic bidding online to purchase rice. The goods to be purchased are domestically produced rice, long-grain rice, 15% broken, milled from the winter-spring crop harvested in 2023.

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Specific regulations on the conditions for enjoying social housing support policies

Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:29:00

The voters of Binh Thuan province propose the need for a national policy specifying support mechanisms for the poor who are unable to afford land in planned areas to purchase social housing.

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When is it necessary to adjust the construction budget?

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:29:00

A project with a construction and installation bidding package includes construction costs and contingencies. During implementation, acceptance, final settlement, the construction costs exceed the approved budget.

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How to use and manage subcontractors?

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:29:00

While participating in projects that utilize state capital, Ms. Nguyen Van Khanh (Hanoi) has noticed that the current legal regulations contain some unspecified provisions regarding subcontractors, which are necessary as legal basis for project implementation.

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Regulations on notarized translation of imported product labels

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:29:00

Mr. N.-R. CHENAL imports Hungarian wine; however, private notary offices cannot notarize Hungarian language, only the Judicial Notary Office can do so. But the Ho Chi Minh City Food Safety Board requires only acceptance of private notarization, and if authenticated at the Judicial Notary Office, the documents will not be accepted.

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Business conditions for international tourism services

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 14:43:00

Ms. Nguyen Khanh Huyen holds a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Geography (in 2014), so can she become the person in charge of international tourism services? With that Bachelor's degree, can she apply for a license to operate international tourism services?

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How is fraud handled in bidding?

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 14:43:00

Fraud is one of the prohibited behaviors in bidding, and individuals or organizations engaging in fraud will be prohibited from participating in bidding activities for a period of 3 to 5 years.

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Does an industrial park infrastructure project need an environmental permit?

Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:44:00

Mrs. Nhu Quynh's company (in Da Nang) is the investor in the industrial park infrastructure. The project previously had an area of 650 hectares and had a decision approving the environmental impact assessment report in 2019.

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How is the determination of a household engaged in agricultural production made?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Mr. Van Nguyen's family (Thai Nguyen) bought land for residence in a different locality since 2000. The land has a Certificate of Land Use Rights, including 100 square meters of residential land, 20 square meters of perennial crop land (PCL), and no other land area.

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High Tax Risk Business Entities

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc K.'s company (Pleiku City, Gia Lai province) has fulfilled its tax obligations when they have arisen and is not in tax debt. However, recently, the local tax authority has requested her business to make advance payments based on the tax risk threshold for commercial business activities (VAT 0.43%; Corporate Income Tax 0.9%).

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In what cases is a car transport business license required?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Doing business in car transportation involves performing at least one of the main stages of transportation activities (directly operating vehicles, driving, or determining transportation fares) for the purpose of transporting passengers or goods by road for profit.

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Subject to Reduced Value Added Tax (VAT)

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Mr. Huynh Van Phong's company operates in the construction sector, specializing in executing projects funded by the state budget.

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Can a branch share tax registration with the main office?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Mr. Nguyen Minh Hoang's company (Hanoi) has its main office in Van Phuc ward, Ha Dong district, with a dependent branch located in Kien Hung ward, Ha Dong district. In April 2023, the branch issued its own invoices and started invoicing from May 2023.

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Proposal to loosen Social Housing Policy Conditions

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

The voters of Dong Nai province are proposing to relevant authorities to consider expanding the scope of those eligible to purchase social housing in order to meet the housing needs of workers and low-income individuals. They also suggest implementing supportive policies to boost the development of social housing in the near future.

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How are tax invoices reduced regarding the contract involves multiples services?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Mrs. Nguyen Thanh Huyen's business provides comprehensive installation of water treatment systems for buildings, hotels, residential areas, etc., including materials, equipment, and labor. The contract's appendix specifies that some goods and materials are subject to an 8% tax rate, while others are subject to a 10% tax rate.

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How is value-added tax (VAT) deducted in specific cases?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Business Q&A - Resolving issues regarding VAT deduction.

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How do foreigners transfer their capital contributions and pay taxes?

Mon, 30 Oct 2023 23:25:00

Ms. Halena Van (Ho Chi Minh City) is a foreign national who has been investing and doing business in Vietnam since 2006. In 2018, she transferred her capital contributions to someone else. After the transfer, she declared and paid personal income tax at a rate of 0.1%.

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The draft Law does not specify the ownership period for condominiums.

Sat, 30 Sep 2023 11:13:00

The Ministry of Construction, on behalf of the Government, presented the draft Law on Housing (amended) for the first-time review and comments to the National Assembly. In this draft Law, there is no provision regarding the ownership period of condominiums, as suggested by the voters.

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