General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the hearts of Vietnamese entrepreneurs.

Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:37:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

In addition to visiting businesses, both resolutions regarding entrepreneurs were signed by the General Secretary himself, which makes the General Secretary more approachable and connected with the community of Vietnamese entrepreneurs and businesses.

This is the feedback from the business community and entrepreneurs in the southern provinces to the reporters of the Business Forum Magazine about General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited businesses on April 14-15, 2018, in An Giang.

Mr. Tran Van Lat, General Director of Loc Kim Chi Development Co., Ltd. (An Giang), stated, 'The passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a tremendous loss for the country and the nation, including the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs. Personally, I express my profound sorrow and deep regret for the General Secretary, a steadfast communist who dedicated his entire life to the country until his last breath.'

Commenting on the General Secretary’s closeness and friendliness with businesses and entrepreneurs, Mr. Lật noted that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was very concerned about Vietnamese entrepreneurs and businesses, especially those related to agriculture, farmers, and rural areas. The images of the General Secretary at meetings with voters or major, high-level conferences are of a broad, strategic nature, but entrepreneurs and businesses are indispensable elements in these working sessions.

“The greatest honor of my business life was having General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visit our workplace and our aquaculture area during his visit to An Giang on April 14-15, 2018. This visit was part of his work on reviewing the implementation of economic-social tasks, national defense and security, Party-building, and political system development in the province," Mr. Lat said.

According to Mr. Lat, during General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s meeting with key leaders of An Giang province, the General Secretary emphasized issues related to the concretization of Party resolutions and their implementation in real life. Specifically, the General Secretary requested: "An Giang should focus on developing high-quality, high-value agriculture, shifting from traditional agricultural production to high-level, high-quality agricultural economic development, and enhancing the linkage between the four stakeholders: farmers, businesses, scientists, and the State."

"General Secretary’s on-site visit had a decisive impact on the adoption of Resolution 41-NQ/TW, which highlights the role of the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs. Resolution 41, signed by the General Secretary himself, has made him increasingly approachable and friendly towards entrepreneurs and businesses," Mr. Lat said.

Sharing about General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s dedication to the business community and entrepreneurs during the period of renewal, Mr. Vo Quang Thuun, former Chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Binh Phuoc Province, stated: As a party member, a returning soldier, and now an entrepreneur, I deeply recognize and highly appreciate the brilliant leadership and dedication of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited the workplace and the aquaculture area of Loc Kim Chi Development Co., Ltd. (An Giang).

In particular, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized several times at high-level conferences: “Strengthening the leadership role of the Party, harnessing the power of the Vietnamese business community, and creating a favorable, safe, and equitable investment and business environment for enterprises to develop and contribute is the responsibility of the Party, the State, the political system, and the business community, in conjunction with the process of perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy and building a socialist rule-of-law State”.

According to Mr. Thuan, regarding oversight in combating corruption, the General Secretary has achieved more than what has been stated. Among the key concerns of businesses that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has addressed regarding the relationship between businesses and government agencies, officials, and civil servants are: innovating and enhancing the effectiveness of inspection, auditing, and supervision activities; ensuring transparency and openness in relations between government agencies, officials, and businesses; establishing mechanisms to prevent and strictly address harassment, obstruction, corruption, and negative behaviors towards entrepreneurs and businesses. Additionally, promoting the role of elected bodies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and political-social organizations in overseeing the implementation of policies and laws related to entrepreneurs and businesses.

Mr. Pham Quoc Long, Chairman of the Vietnam Ship Agents, Brokers and Maritime Service Providers Association (Visaba), stated that through observations at Central Committee conferences, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has frequently mentioned the role of the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs in building business ethics and culture, fostering national spirit, and inspiring the aspiration for a prosperous and happy country. At the same time, the General Secretary has also highlighted the spirit of entrepreneurs in improving and encouraging the business community to strive for ethical standards, business culture, aligning with national identity, and integrating with global business practices.

Also, according to Mr. Long, a deeply significant issue that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized to businesses and entrepreneurs is the focus on several key and long-term tasks in building the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs. These include: 'Using ethics and business culture as the core, upholding the rule of law; enhancing the role of entrepreneurs in contributing to economic diplomacy, people's diplomacy, and promoting the image of the country, its people, and Vietnamese culture. Increasing the awareness and responsibility of entrepreneurs and businesses towards society, especially in providing high-quality products and services; maintaining the reputation and brand of businesses; paying attention to environmental protection; condemning, preventing, and firmly handling entrepreneurs and businesses that violate ethics, business culture, and laws”.


By: Translator: LeAnh-Bizic



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