VCCI HCM: Support activities have gone deep into the real needs of businesses

Sat, 25 Feb 2023 10:20:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

VCCI HCM's business community support activities have closely followed the 6 goals and 3 breakthroughs of the 7th VCCI Congress, thereby, deepening the actual needs of businesses.

150 activities to support businesses

According to Mr. Tran Ngoc Liem - Director of the Vietnam Federation of Trade and Industry Ho Chi Minh City branch (VCCI HCM), in 2022, VCCI HCM has organized 150 activities, events, seminars and classes. In particular, the focus is on making legal comments and improving the business environment, which has brought great impacts to the development of legal policies, especially those that have a direct impact on the business community.

For the work of improving the quality of business development support activities, VCCI HCM has organized 35 training courses with many different topics and 34 conferences, seminars and trade promotion events with more than 1,000 turns. Attendees, including: A series of 10 in-house training courses at enterprises on the topic "Improving management and leadership capacity of enterprises". Series of 12 conferences, seminars, seminars, forums, seminars of projects on Climate Change; Energy Transformation; Recycled energy; Environmental Management, Water and Wastewater Treatment; Green Transformation for businesses and industrial parks and economic zones.

In addition, the work of strengthening connection activities, supporting the development of business associations and members is also focused by VCCI HCM. Accordingly, as of November 2022, VCCI HCM has admitted 114 new members, bringing the total number of admitted members at the branch to 4,096 members, an increase of 15.2% over the same period last year 2021.

Regarding the task of developing a team of entrepreneurs, pioneering in building Vietnamese business culture, according to Director of VCCI HCM, Tran Ngoc Liem, the branch has successfully implemented the CEO training program (CEO 4.0), attracted 140 students to attend, causing great resonance in the member business community in particular and businesses in the area under the charge of VCCI HCM in general.

In addition, the traditional activity of issuing certificates of origin for businesses is always guaranteed, with more than 200,000 sets of documents of all kinds granted, contributing to helping businesses export goods more conveniently. Along with that, training and dissemination activities about tariff preferences of FTA markets that Vietnam has signed. Thereby, helping businesses receive complete information and better exploit the advantages brought by the market.

“In addition to supporting activities in the domestic market, activities to connect and support businesses to find new markets to replace traditional markets that have been reduced due to the influence of the Russia-Ukraine war are also supported such as high inflation in Europe, also implemented by VCCI HCM, bringing many results for businesses, many new markets are connected such as: South America, Africa, the Middle East and some countries Central Europe…”, Mr. Liem shared.

Increased link activity

Director of VCCI HCM Tran Ngoc Liem assessed that in 2022, VCCI HCM's programs and activities to support the business community always stick to the 6 goals and 3 strategic breakthroughs proposed by the 7th VCCI Congress launched at the end of 2021. Thereby, support activities have deepened into the actual needs of the business.

“With many innovations in operation, most of the programs and activities to support businesses are well received and highly appreciated by the local businesses and entrepreneurs. Especially, for commenting on law development and improving the business environment, after the branch sent comments and recommendations, more than 50% of them were recognized, absorbed and accepted by the relevant State management agencies”, commented Mr. Tran Ngoc Liem.

Director of VCCI HCM Tran Ngoc Liem said that the business situation of the business community is still difficult in 2023 due to the influence of the Russia-Ukraine war, inflation in the world, as well as exchange rate fluctuations and a decrease in world demand, leading to a reduction in people's consumption demand, will have a great impact on Vietnam's economy, especially for import-export businesses.

However, Mr. Tran Ngoc Liem said that this may also be an opportunity for businesses to continue the improvement and restructuring phase as well as improving business efficiency, high quality and qualified human resources; increasing the application of high technology in production and business…

“In the context of general economic difficulties, in 2023, VCCI HCM will continue to carry out activities to support the business community such as: strengthening coordination with partners, using a team of experts, etc. building breakthrough projects; strengthen links with associations, leading enterprises, as well as with localities”, said Mr. Tran Ngoc Liem.

Besides, regional linkage, linkage with localities, functional departments related to business activities, association with business associations in the region will also be the contents that VCCI HCM will focus on implementation in the near future.

Continue to maintain and coordinate with international organizations in Ho Chi Minh City, embassies to provide maximum support for businesses; promote the connection of niche markets to assist businesses in finding orders. Along with that, it will continue to further strengthen support for businesses to implement digital transformation in the spirit of the Resolution of the VII Congress.

“For the part of developing the entrepreneurial team and improving the business culture, VCCI HCM will continue to maintain the training program for corporate executives. Recently, VCCI has issued standards on business ethics and will soon complete the criteria on business culture of enterprises. Therefore, in the coming time, VCCI HCM will further strengthen this activity under the direction of VCCI", Mr. Tran Ngoc Liem shared.



By: According to Dinh Dai (VBF)


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