Report on Implementation results of Resolution 35/NQ-CP in April, 2020

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No:  /PTM – KHTH


Report on Implementation results of Resolution 35/NQ-CP in April, 2020


Independence- Freedom- Happiness



                                     Hanoi, , May 2020


  The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam (VCCI) is pleased to report on the performance of tasks assigned in the Resolution 35 / NQ-CP dated 16 May 2016 by the Governmrnt’s Prime Minister  on enterprise development policy to 2020 in April 2020 as follows:


1. The results of aggregating and resolving recommendations of businesses in April, 2020

In April 2020, The VCCI directly gathered from information channels 154 new recommendations of businesses and business associations (an increase by 146 compared to March 2020). Such dramatic increase in business recommendations this month is related to the difficulties and obstacles that businesses are facing under the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the online conference held in May 9th 2010 of the Government’s Prime Minister with businesses in order to resolve enterprises’ difficulties, promote business and production and rehab the economy.

Details of the new recommendations and data are presented in Appendices 1 and 2 and details of unanswered recommendations from January 1, 2020 are presented in Appendix 4 attached to the report.

The recommendations submitted by businesses and business associations in April were mainly about requesting that the Government and 15 ministries, branches and localities provide solutions to support businesses due to the impact of Covid 19 pandemic and guidance on the implementation of legal provisions and some specific cases of businesses. The content of the recommendations covers these issues below:

Through VCCI’s monitoring, the Ministry of Finance received the highest number of recommendations with 46 recommendations; followed by the State Bank with 29 recommendations. 17 recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of Labor-War Invalids and Social Affairs; 11 recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, 10 recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of Transport; 08 recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of Information and Industry, 05 recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of natural resources and environment. Other recommendations were submitted to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, Government Inspectorate, the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee City, Hanoi People's Committee, Ben Tre Provincial People's Committee. The basic content of the recommendations are requests for solutions to support enterprises in reducing costs, extending the deadlines of tax payment to overcome difficulties in the CoViD-19 pandemic in the field of transport, real estate; extension of deadlines for tax and land rental fee payment; amendments to Decree No. 20/2017 / ND-CP dated February 24, 2017 of the Government prescribing tax administration for businesses engaged in transfer pricing because the total amount of loan interest is restricted according to the draft amendment to the decree, amending Law No. 71/2014 / QH13 in which fertilizers are added to the VAT objects with the tax rates of 0%-5%. Recommendations submitted to other ministries, branches and localities were mainly about requests for supporting businesses due to the impact of Covid 19 pandemic, namely extending the deadlines of loan interest payment, repayment of principal, avoiding non-performing loan conversion to worse group when maturity. For debts due in 2020; charge-off, providing new loans, providing interest rates at the lowest rates from policy banks to pay 50% of the region-based minimum wage for laborers, extending the deadline for payment of union dues, fuel price is calculated as the price of fuel temporarily imported for re-export and applicable to both shipping routes by sea or by waterway, abolishing environmental protection fees, reducing port service costs for import and export shipments; businesses to be exempted from social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance for employees, guiding the procedures to support laborers affected by covid-19 pandemic under the Government's Resolution No. 42.

2. The implementation of answering recommendations of ministries, branches and localities

2.1. The implementation of answering recommendations of ministries, branches and localities in April, 2020:

In April 2020, VCCI received 13 documents of 9 ministries, branches and localities in response to recommendations submitted by businesses (a decrease of 5 documents compared to March, 2020). The number of response documents decreased sharply in April as ministries, branches and localities are looking into solutions to support enterprises affected by Covid 19 pandemic . These documents were posted on VCCI's website as specified in Resolution 35. (Details are presented in appendix 3 attached to the report).

Ministries, branches and localities responded to recommendations timely and partially met the requirements of the enterprises and business asscociations. In general, the recommendations are mostly related to the guidance of the law from the previous months, therefore, it takes the ministries and branches more time to study this month. One recommendation since March from Ms. Duong Thi Anh as Director of Dua Thien Co., Ltd. (Thanh Tan Commune, Mo Cay Bac District, Ben Tre Province) has not received satisfactory answer from the People's Committee of Ben Tre Province, so this firm continued to submit recommendations. The other recommendations were about requests for solutions to support businesses influenced by the Covid-19 epidemic.

2.2. Recommendations remained unanswered in the first quarter of 2020:

Through monitoring by the VCCI, from January 1, 2020 to the end of April 30, 2020, 48 recommendations of businesses and business associations remained unanswered by ministries, branches and localities.

Details of unanswered proposals and responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities are presented in Appendices 1, 2 and 4 attached to the report.

We recommend the Government’s Office to continue urging ministries, branches and localities, namely as the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Construction, Ha Noi People's Committee… to give a complete answer to the recommendations of businesses, especially those outstanding from the beginning of the year 2020.


In April 2020, the VCCI implemented the following assigned tasks:

1. Implementing activities that contributed to administrative reform; created a favorable environment to support businesses.

- Commented on the draft Decision of the Government’s Prime Minister on the implementation of measures to support people facing difficulties due to COVID-19 epidemic; Guided assessing the risk of Covid-19 disease infection at business and production establishments; Project on "Strengthening and improving the operational capacity of the Vietnam Social Insurance Management Board" ...

- Coordinated with the General Department of Customs (TCHQ) and USAID's Trade Facilitation Project (TFP) to conduct the Survey on "Assessing the satisfaction level of business community in the implementation of public services. through the National Single Window ”.

- Completed 03 topics: "The impact of the Covid-19 flu on the world and Vietnam economy, proposed solutions to support businesses"; "the development of Vietnamese businesses compared to the world"; "the reality of FDI attraction in Vietnam and the issues raised".

- Commented on the draft legal document: Issued business household regulations in the draft Enterprise Law; drafted Law on Environmental Protection; The Decree prescribes the coordination and procedures for granting business registration certificates, labor declarations, issuing social insurance unit codes, using ordered and printed invoices; Decree on invoices and documents; Decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 89/2013 / ND-CP on appraisal of prices; The Circular prescribes the fees for granting establishment and operation licenses of credit institutions; Circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Minister of Finance's Circular No. 45/2017 / TT-BTC of May 12, 2017, stipulating the remuneration framework for property auction services under the Auction Law asset; Circular amending Circular 302/2016 / TT-BTC guiding licensing fees ... (Detailed content of comments is updated at: htttp:// y-kien-vcci).

- Conducted 02 surveys on difficulties, obstacles and development dynamics of businesses for online conferences of the Government’s Prime Minister to the business community.

- Conducted a survey of business in the Central Coast region to assess the current situation and propose measures to support Vietnamese businesses to enhance access to credit through improving their governance and operational capacity. finance; survey on small and medium-sized enterprises in the Southeast region in the creative start-up ecosystem through propaganda and dissemination of the Law on Small and Medium Enterprises Support and enhancement of access to capital from the creation Start-up Fund for small and medium businesses; made a survey on businesses in the North Central region to analyze and assess the situation and propose measures to enhance market participation and promoted fair competition to contribute to real private economic development to become an important driving force of the socialist-oriented market economy.

2. Deploying trade promotion activities, investment, programs and projects supporting the competitiveness of businesses and business associations:

Prepared for the online conference and live broadcast of the Government’s Prime Minister with the business community nationwide with the theme: "Restart the economy to overcome the disease", the VCCI prepared a Report on the performance and recommendations of businesses and business associations presented at this important conference. The report brought together 9 groups of recommendations with nearly 100 specific recommendations from businesses proposing solutions to support businesses during and after the epidemic, contributing to restarting economy.

- Organized 02 online conferences of Central Council of Vietnam Business Associations in order to continue collecting ideas and proposals from businesses affected by COVID-19 epidemic. The VCCI’s President Vu Tien Loc, the Chairman of the Central Council of Vietnam Business Associations chaired the conference with the participation of more than 250 delegates representing associations throughout the country. The conference took place to continue implementing the Government's Resolutions and the Government Prime Minister's Directive and to propose to the Government’s Prime Minister solutions to support businesses and at the same time with Associations. deploy a common online platform to coordinate activities and carry out business survey programs in each locality, each industry and across the country. At the conference, representatives of associations throughout the country shared the difficulties that the business community has encountered in the past few months due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic and discussed solutions to support members to overcome the crisis. panic in the near future. In general, the comments stated that the majority of businesses  were in very difficult situations, excepted for some areas that were less affected by diseases such as industrial hygiene, medical equipment, etc. The immediate solution was  that businesses must make efforts to save themselves and at the same time promote the role of the Association in prioritizing the use of each other's goods, sharing and helping each other to overcome difficulties. In addition, many opinions also pointed out solutions to quickly access and utilize the Government's bailout packages so as to be most effective.

Continued performing the regular tasks of trade promotion, investment, training and supporting businesses to develop and integrate:

- Deployed the project on building a set of "Business health" indicator set: conducted an online survey on Vietnamese businesses dynamics (Vbis 2020).

- Coordinated with the Logistic Association (VLA) to develop a plan to implement the provincial logistic index of Vietnam.

- Completed the Manual of Internal Control and Code of Conduct in enterprises; guiding enterprises on intellectual property, Green book on PPP.

- Developed the Project on  "Replication of CSI Indicators for the period of 2020 - 2025, vision to 2030".

- Continued working with partners of the ASEAN Sustainable Development Network (CSR-ASEAN network), the Business Council for World Sustainable Development (WBCSD), representatives of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on Development launch of the High-Level Global Cooperation Forum Initiative 2030 (P4G) in the new phase ...

- Continued working with the British Embassy and UNDP on the plan to implement the Business Integrity Promotion Program in 2020.

- Coordinated with VNPT to implement the Startup project in the context of digital transformation in Vietnam.

- Developed a scheme to provide legal support for SMEs in the Central and Central Highlands period 2021-2026.

- Continued coordinating with the Central Economic Board and relevant agencies to implement the Campaign on "Enterprises and businessmen to contribute ideas to improve economic development mechanisms and policies" and prepared the assessment work,  gave grade and award ceremony.

- Organized a number of online conferences, seminars, and online training activities: Conference between VBA and the Business Council and investors in Ho Chi Minh City on solutions for businesses to overcome the impact of Covid-19 pandemic; Dialogued on "Risk sharing mechanism in PPP projects"; organized 02 online training courses on "Guiding businesses on application the Internal Control Mechanism and the Code of Business Conduct" to businesses in Danang ...

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry respectfully reports to the Government’s Prime Minister.


- As above;                                                                                         PRESIDENT

- The Standing Committee;

- The Government’s Office (DMDN Dept);

- Businesses Information Center (for posting on the website);                VU TIEN LOC

- Saved by Archive and Admin Dept (for synthetics).             

By: Translator: HaiYen - Business Information Center (BIZIC)


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