Hoa Binh Province speeds up rural industrial projects

Sat, 13 May 2023 18:31:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

The northern province of Hoa Binh is seeking to ensure progress, quality and efficiency of national industry promotion projects.

Medicinal herb production at the Luong Son Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Cooperative in Hoa Binh Province’s Luong Son District
Medicinal herb production at the Luong Son Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Cooperative in Hoa Binh Province’s Luong Son District

The Industry Promotion Center of Hoa Binh Province recently inspected 2023 national industry promotion projects in beneficiary enterprises. The inspection at Hoang Mai Steel Structure Factory Joint Stock Company and Yen Quang Cooperative showed that these two facilities have prepared their factories to receive and apply new equipment and machinery, signed contracts and committed to purchasing the machinery and equipment in July 2023.

Two other national industry promotion project beneficiaries – Tuyet Nhi Cooperative and Hoa Binh Agricultural and Medicinal Plants Development Cooperative – have built new workshops and committed contractually to purchasing new machinery and equipment in May 2023.

The provincial industry promotion center is speeding up the implementation of necessary procedures to realize local industry promotion projects on time.

In 2023, the center will improve the quality of industry promotion projects and policy information and stimulation, help rural industrial establishments choose appropriate investment projects, and improve industry promotion efficiency in order to help boost rural industrial production in the region.

The center will also assist rural industrial establishments in branding and sales promotion by enabling them to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions, and other trade promotion events.

By: Bui Viet/ Vietnam Economic News

Source: https://ven.vn/hoa-binh-province-speeds-up-rural-industrial-projects-47535.html


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