Hai Phong has largest number of wharves in Vietnam

Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:22:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

The Ministry of Transport recently issued a list of wharves at seaports in Vietnam, with the northern city of Hai Phong being home to the biggest number of those facilities.

A wharf of Hai Phong Port in Hai Phong city (Photo: VNA)

Of the 278 wharves nationwide, Hai Phong has 49, its nearby province of Quang Ninh 13, Ho Chi Minh City 43, and Vung Tau city in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau 43.

The ministry also requested the Vietnam Maritime Administration (VMA) to give instructions on the management and operation of wharves and make annual updates to the list of the facilities.

There are 44 seaports in the country at present. Vietnam is going to develop a seaport master plan for 2021-30 so as to enhance infrastructure connectivity, reduce logistics costs and promote marine economic development.


Source: https://english.vov.vn/economy/hai-phong-has-largest-number-of-wharves-in-vietnam-413124.vov


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