Building harmonious labor relations for business development.

Thu, 21 Sep 2023 09:07:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

VCCI has implemented Directive No. 37-CT/TW dated September 3, 2019, of the Central Committee's Secretariat in an organized manner, developing content, programs, implementation plans, and achieving favorable results.

On September 7th, a working delegation from the Central Economic Commission, led by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc An, Deputy Head of the delegation, held discussions with the VCCI Party delegation regarding the implementation of Directive No. 37-CT/TW dated September 3, 2019, from the Central Committee's Secretariat, concerning strengthening leadership and guidance in building harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations in the new situation. Subsequently, they also met and worked with Mr. Hoang Quang Phong, Deputy Secretary of the Party delegation and Vice Chairman of VCCI, along with representatives from various units of VCCI.


Mr. Do Ngoc An - Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission, delivered a speech during the working session.

 Reporting on the results of Directive implementation, Ms. Tran Thị Lan Anh - Party delegation member and Secretary-General of VCCI, stated that, acting as the representative organization for employers, VCCI had thoroughly organized and disseminated Directive No. 37-CT/TW to all officials, party members, businesses, and member business associations. VCCI developed a program and implementation plan for the tasks assigned by Directive No. 37-CT/TW, starting from leadership and guidance activities to enhance awareness and promote the development of harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations within businesses, in connection with maintaining political and social stability and ensuring the rights and interests of all parties involved in labor relations.

VCCI actively participated in the process of improving the legal framework for labor relations, including important documents such as the Labor Code (amended), the Law on Vietnamese Working Abroad under Labor Contracts, the draft Law on Trade Unions (amended), the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended), and more.

VCCI also contributed to the organization and activities of tripartite labor relations bodies, such as the Labor Relations Committee, the National Wage Council, and the Social Insurance Management Council. VCCI regularly conducted surveys to understand the real situation of businesses in complying with labor laws, employment practices, and the quality of the labor force, in order to propose timely support solutions. In addition, VCCI mobilized and guided businesses and employers to comply with labor laws, engage in social dialogue, negotiate, and resolve labor disputes, as well as sign collective labor agreements.


Mr. Hoang Quang Phong - Deputy Secretary of the Party delegation and Vice Chairman of VCCI, spoke during the working session.

Through the implementation of the Directive, harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations within businesses have contributed to maintaining stability and promoting business operations, creating employment opportunities and income for workers. This reaffirms the correctness of Directive 37.

During the working session, the members of the working delegation and representatives of VCCI units discussed the results of Directive implementation and proposed suggestions for continuing the implementation of Directive No. 37-CT/TW, as well as incorporating practical feedback to build and support the development of harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations.

In his speech, Mr. Hoang Quang Phong - Deputy Secretary of the Party delegation and Vice Chairman of VCCI, acknowledged the contributions and feedback from the working delegation, emphasizing that in recent years, the VCCI Party delegation has diligently and effectively studied, comprehended, and implemented Directive No. 37-CT/TW, contributing to significant changes in the awareness and actions of labor representatives, employers, and labor representative organizations in building harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations within businesses.

Vice Chairman of VCCI, Hoang Quang Phong, also provided additional information: VCCI has collaborated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, and the International Labor Organization to sign agreements aimed at creating decent employment opportunities for workers. VCCI continues to participate in various programs to provide a framework for Vietnamese businesses to strive for international standards and benchmarks, ultimately leading to better employment opportunities for workers. These are crucial aspects in building harmonious, stable, and progressive labor relations within businesses, and VCCI intends to further improve its efforts in line with the Party's direction in the future.

In conclusion, Mr. Do Ngoc An - Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission, highly praised VCCI for its disciplined, content-rich, and results-oriented implementation of Directive No. 37-CT/TW. Emphasizing some outstanding achievements, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission, Mr. Do Ngoc An, highlighted the following:

Firstly, VCCI has successfully executed the project "Dissemination and Legal Promotion for Workers and Employers in Various Business Forms," achieving significant outcomes through training courses and workshops that attracted thousands of employers to participate.

Secondly, VCCI has provided recommendations on numerous policies and solutions to alleviate challenges faced by businesses during various periods, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to stabilizing business operations, post-pandemic recovery, job creation, and income generation for workers.

Thirdly, VCCI has proactively and actively participated in the improvement of legal frameworks to protect both workers and employers. Lastly, VCCI has actively engaged in advisory councils for administrative procedure reform under the Prime Minister's purview, the National Wage Council, the Labor Relations Committee, the Social Insurance Management Council, advocating for the interests of employers and workers. Simultaneously, VCCI has proactively proposed the implementation of measures outlined in the aforementioned tripartite mechanisms.

According to Hanh Le (Business Forum Magazine).


By: Translator: LeAnh-Bizic


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