Are self-employed workers supported due to Covid-19 under Resolution 116?

Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:06:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Resolution 116 of the Government sets out a number of policies to support employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic.

Who is supported due to Covid-19 under Resolution No. 116?

Recently, Resolution No. 116/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 of the Government has introduced a number of policies to support employees and employers affected by the covid-19 pandemic from the insurance fund. unemployment insurance.

Lawyer Tran The Anh - Hanoi Lawyers Association said: According to Resolution No. 116, the supported employees include:

- Employees who are participating in unemployment insurance as of September 30, 2021 (excluding employees working at state agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, units of the people's armed forces and public non-business units whose recurrent expenditures are guaranteed by the state budget).

- Employees who have stopped participating in unemployment insurance due to the termination of their labor contracts or working contracts between January 1, 2020 and the end of September 30, 2021 have a period of unemployment insurance premium payment. occupations are reserved according to the provisions of the law on employment, excluding people receiving monthly pensions.

Thus, the case of an individual who is currently a self-employed but previously worked under an employment contract/working contract and terminated the contract between January 1, 2020 and the end of March 30. 0/0/2021, they can be entitled to support policies according to the content of Resolution No. 116/NQ-CP "- said the lawyer.

Support level due to Covid-19 according to Resolution 116

The level of support will be based on the period of unemployment insurance premium payment not yet received unemployment benefits of the employees, specifically as follows:

Unemployment insurance payment period under 12 months: support 1,800,000 VND/person.

Unemployment insurance premium payment period from full 12 months to less than 60 months: Support 2,100,000 VND/person.

Unemployment insurance payment period from full 60 months to less than 84 months: Support 2,400,000 VND/person.

Unemployment insurance payment period from full 84 months to less than 108 months: Support 2,650,000 VND/person.

Unemployment insurance premium payment period from full 108 months to less than 132 months: Support 2,900,000 VND/person.

Time of paying unemployment insurance from full 132 months or more: Support 3,300,000 VND/person.

Employees need to contact the social insurance agency at the provincial or district level where the employee needs to receive support for more specific instructions on the order and procedures.

In addition, freelance workers can enjoy a number of support policies in the spirit of Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated July 1, 2021 of the Government. Accordingly, based on the specific conditions and budget capacity of the locality, the provinces and cities develop criteria, determine the beneficiaries, the support amount, but the support level is not lower than 1,500,000 VND/person. /time or 50,000 VND/person/day based on the actual number of days of suspension at the request of the locality.

Currently, there are a number of localities that have implemented the content of the Resolution to promptly support eligible subjects, including Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai province, Phu Tho province, ...

Employees need to actively monitor relevant documents issued locally to understand specific support policies and procedures.


By: Translator: LeAnh-Bizic


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