Vietnam-Malaysia relations to see positive changes after signing of RCEP

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 14:45:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

The trade and economic relations between Vietnam and Malaysia will see positive changes after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement is signed, said Professor Hoo Ke Ping, a Malaysian economic and political analyst.

The trade and economic relations between Vietnam and Malaysia will see positive
changes after the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
agreement is signed (Source: internet) 

With its participation in the deal, Vietnam and Malaysia will have more opportunities to further strengthen economic, trade and investment cooperation in fields where they hold advantages support each other such as infrastructure, agriculture and food industry, he said.

He cited that Malaysia boasts experience in developing infrastructure, especially expressways, the field that Vietnam has a large demand. Therefore, the two nations can cooperation in this sphere.

Joining RCEP, both countries could also draw more foreign direct investment (FDI), he added.
In addition, capital and financial services are also potential cooperation areas, he said, noting that Malaysia and Cambodia have successfully cooperated in these fields, and this could become a reality between Vietnam and Malaysia.




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