VCCI: Policy Dialogue Conference on Tax and Customs Administrative Procedures 2023 (early December 2023)

Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:18:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Implementing the "Regulations on Dialogue with Taxpayers and Customs Declarants" issued with Decision No. 3597/QD-TCT on November 4, 2004, by the Minister of Finance, and coordinating annual work actively, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is actively implementing Government Resolution 35/NQ on supporting business development, Directives 26 and 07 of the Prime Minister on continuing the implementation of Resolution 35/NQ, as well as Resolutions No. 19/NQ and 02/NQ annually to enhance national competitiveness. VCCI, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance (General Department of Customs and General Department of Taxation), organizes the annual dialogue conference with businesses in 2023 to provide information and disseminate new policies and administrative procedures in the fields of taxation and customs. The conference aims to address difficulties, challenges, create a favorable environment for business activities, and enhance cooperation between businesses and tax and customs authorities.

This year's conference will be held directly in the Northern region in Hanoi and the Southern region in Ho Chi Minh City, as follows:

·        Northern Conference:

    • Time: 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM, December 13, 2023 (Wednesday)
    • Venue: International Conference Center, 11 Le Hong Phong, Ba Dinh, Hanoi

·        Southern Conference:

    • Time: 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM, December 15, 2023 (Friday)
    • Venue: Hall 1, 1st floor, Conference Center 272, 272 Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

We sincerely announce and invite your business/enterprise association to send representatives to attend the conference in the appropriate region. Please register online at the following link: and submit opinions, feedback (if any) to the VCCI Member and Training Board before November 30, 2023.

Reference program documents:

For more details, please contact:

  • In Hanoi: Mr. Hung, Mr. Bach - VCCI Member and Training Board. Phone: 0913307797/0904378315, Email:
  • In Ho Chi Minh City: Ms. Tram, Ms. Thuy, Member Affairs Department, VCCI Branch in Ho Chi Minh City. Phone: 0983967567/0903909756, Email:


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