How do foreign investors make capital contributions in VN?

Thu, 13 Feb 2020 18:18:00

Foreign investors and Vietnamese investors in foreign-invested enterprises may make foreign-currency or Viet Nam-dong investment capital contributions at levels stated in investment certificates. 

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Foreign debt payment in business mergers

Thu, 13 Feb 2020 18:14:00

If there is any change to contents relating to loans referred to in the confirmation of foreign loan registration given by the State Bank, the borrower shall be responsible for making registration for changes of his foreign loan with the State Bank.

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The right to approve plans selecting contractors for purchasing public properties

Tue, 28 Jan 2020 18:34:00

In 2018, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Son La Province had a decentralization and hierarchy by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to allocate the provincial budget estimate in 2018 to its units. The Department has made a decision to assign estimates and types of chapters - types to the unit under the Department to perform the task.

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Regulations on the registration time of concentrated procurement demand

Tue, 28 Jan 2020 18:31:00

Every year, after January 31st, if the agency or organization fails to register the concentrated procurement demand to send it to the superior management agency for consolidation and centralized procurement, it is not allowed to purchase such asset.

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Buying liquidated public vehicles, how to calculate road charge

Tue, 28 Jan 2020 18:28:00

Mr. Tran Manh Tu bought a liquidated car from the State, which has blue license plate, but stopped circulating and finished registration 5 years ago. The car has invoices and full liquidation contracts. Mr. Tu would like to ask, in this case, in order to use this car, is he required to pay for the road charge?

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Conditions for buying office and commercial floor formed in the future

Sat, 25 Jan 2020 19:23:00

Mr. Vu Nhu Bach (in Ho Chi Minh City) would like to ask competent authorities to answer some contents regarding buying, selling, granting certificates of the right to use the type of office, commercial floor under the high-rise apartment complex project.

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Which cases does apply the package contract?

Tue, 24 Dec 2019 11:52:00

Ms. Nguyen Viet Nga (in Bac Ninh Provinces) would like to ask: Are there any documents regulating a package contract? Which cases can the employment contract apply? What are the regulations on personal income tax payment for individuals who receive employment contracts from the company?

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Identifying the project implementation form at a joint stock company

Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:39:00

To consider whether a project is subject to the Bidding Law or not, it is necessary to base on the value of financed by State and financed by State enterprises contributed directly to the total investment of the project.

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Paying the contract when changing construction methods

Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:37:00

In case of changing construction methods after being approved by the employer in order to accelerate the progress, ensure quality, safety and efficiency, the payment and settlement of construction contracts shall comply with the contract's contents. signed between the parties.

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Bases for determining bidding packages for consultancy service provision

Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:40:00

Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (in Ho Chi Minh) awould like to ask: Is the software available and customized according to customers' requirements as a procurement or consulting package?

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Subjects issued with auction practice certificates

Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:54:00

Sendding comments to the 5 session, National Assembly XIV, voters in Thua Thien - Hue Province proposed the Ministry of Justice to study additional regulations on granting practice certificates for Auction Center officials and employees. land to provide land use rights auction services.

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Contractor violating equipment supply, how to handle?

Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:41:00

In case the winning contractor violates the contractual commitments, the contractor will be confiscated the contract performance guarantee. The bid solicitor may invite second-ranked contractors to conduct negotiations.

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What are members of Board of Directors with related interests?

Mon, 25 Nov 2019 12:01:00

Through the Receiving and responding System to recommendations of enterprises, The Civil Engineering Construction Corporation 5-JSC (in Da Nang City)would like to request the authorities to answer some issues about members of the Board of Directors (BOM) who have related interests and determine the value of transaction contracts prescribed in the Enterprise Law.

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Do additional items require to re-make the bidding plan?

Mon, 25 Nov 2019 11:58:00

In the course of implementation, the investor requests the addition of a number of work items in addition to the original technical design dossier, the technical design dossier must be repeated and the re-approval of the estimate must be re-made.

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Conditions for providing cosmetological group training services

Wed, 13 Nov 2019 10:01:00

Through the Receiving and Answering System to businesses ‘recommendations, the Oceania Trade and Service Company asked the competent authorities to answer about the qualifications of primary teachers of beauty care. / beauty salon.

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Bases for determining bidding packages for consultancy service provision

Mon, 11 Nov 2019 10:44:00

Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (in Ho Chi Minh) awould like to ask: Is the software available and customized according to customers' requirements as a procurement or consulting package?

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Bases for adjusting contract prices when raising the minimum wage

Fri, 08 Nov 2019 10:59:00

For contracts based on adjusted unit price, the adjustment of the contract unit price is made by determining the unit price at the time of 28 days prior the date of submission of payment dossier in accordance with the contract and the time of 28 days prior the bid opening date.

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Which agency appraises State Owned enterprises’ projects?

Fri, 08 Nov 2019 10:51:00

Mr. Nguyen Dang Do's company (in Quang Ngai Province) has 24% of state capital, the rest is privately owned. The company wants to invest in production expansion projects (level IV technical infrastructure), total investment is less than VND 15 billion, loans are from commercial banks.

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