Basis for calculating the pay for employees on public holidays
Fri, 15 May 2020 16:12:00
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hue (in Ha Nam Province) would like to ask: Does the pay for employees in the annual leave days; increased annual leave days according to their seniority; public holidays,and the paid leave include responsibility allowance and allowance benefits for trade union officials?

Construction capacity applied to individuals
Thu, 14 May 2020 15:21:00
If an individual of an organization has sufficient professional qualifications, working experience and has been granted licenses for construction practices for one or several project groups, he or she shall hold the position of a construction leader in charge of project groups.

Researching and improving the procedures for receiving aid
Wed, 13 May 2020 16:22:00
The Ministry of Planning and Investment would like to acknowledge Mr. Nguyen Anh Duc's proposal (Faculty of Law, Hanoi National University of Education) for further researching and improving the procedures for receiving grant aid.

Conditions for direct appointment of contractor for verification of the construction drawing design
Wed, 13 May 2020 16:17:00
The contractor won the bid for providing consultancy service of project management, after that it is appointed to verify the construction drawing design, then the appointment of this contractor shall be deemed appropriate with the rules.

The competence to approve the list of additional equipment for construction works
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:13:00
In case of adding a list of equipment to the works of construction, the investor is required to report to the investment decider to decide, accordingly, it is necessary to approve the investment policy with adjusted and amended contents of the equipment list.

Basis for determining the State capital investment in enterprises
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 14:05:00
Investment of state capital in an enterprise refers to the use of such capital assets allocated from the State budget or those derived from funds managed by the State for the purpose of investing in financing for such enterprise.

In response to effect of conformity certificate
Fri, 17 Apr 2020 16:36:00
Manufactured products that have been certified with conformity certificate (according to the validity of the conformity certificate to September 5, 2018) are allowed to continue to be circulated, without reapplying for conformity certificate or declaration of conformity.

Are public non-business units allowed to decide on their own liquidation of cars?
Fri, 17 Apr 2020 16:34:00
Ms. My Trang (in Ha Noi) works in a public secondary school which is partially funded by the state’s budget annually. In 2003, her unit procured a 15-seater car which was fully depreciated for VND 50 million by her unit’s autonomous source of revenue.

Is going on a business trip on Sunday counted as performing overtime work?
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:47:00
Mr Dao Thanh Hai ( in Can Tho Province) would like to ask: Besides enjoying the business trip allowances, do officers who are sent by the unit on business trips on Sunday get pay?

Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:43:00
Project management costs are necessary expenditures on project management, including preparation, execution and inauguration of the project (including costs of monitoring and evaluating the works construction investment project)

Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:42:00
The Labor Code 2019 increases the number of overtime working hours for employees which does not exceed 40 hours/month instead of 30 hours/month as stipulated by the Labor Code 2012.

Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:39:00
The age of retirement for employees in normal working conditions is adjusted according to the roadmap until they reach 62 years of age for the male employees by 2028 and 60 years for the female employees by 2035.

Are distribution enterprises qualified for insurance agents?
Mon, 13 Apr 2020 16:20:00
Through the receiving and responding system to recommendations of businesses, Seoul T&S Vina Co., Ltd. Would like to ask: “Is a foreign-invested company operating in the field of distribution qualified for a non-life insurance agent of an insurance enterprise? If possible, what conditions are required?”

Wed, 08 Apr 2020 16:29:00
When conducting sales promotion programs of which the total prizes or gifts are valued more than VND 100 million, traders must notify sales promotion activities to all Departments of Trade and Industry of localities, regardless of the location where the sales promotion program is conducted.

Preferential policies for solar power projects
Tue, 07 Apr 2020 16:15:00
The government encourages the development of solar power projects, including rooftop solar power projects. The incentive mechanism for the development of solar power projects was issued by the Government’s Prime Minister in Decision No. 11/2017 / QD-TTg dated April 11, 2017.

Does it require exploiting reservoir water having a permit?
Fri, 03 Apr 2020 10:31:00
All works that have been exploited and used water from water sources (including irrigation works) before the effective date of the Law on Water Resources 2012 (January 1, 2013) must have exploitation permit on using water resources.

Should the welfare fund be used for paying phone service charges?
Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:19:00
Ms. Pham Thi Ha is working in a public secondary school located in Da Nang City. When building the internal spending regulations, the school has been using the Welfare fund to pay monthly phone service charges of the principal, vice principal and the accountant at VND 200,000/ per person and provide the accountant with financial support at VND 500.000 per month. Ms. Ha would like to ask whether this spending is against the law or not.

Direct contracting or bidding for selection of investors on land use projects?
Sun, 29 Mar 2020 16:16:00
List of projects of investment using land shall be made on the basis of socio-economic development plans; annual land use plans; lists of approved projects that need land withdrawal, and overall planning on a scale of 1:2000 spatial planning on a scale of 1:500 (if any).