How are employees paid for working on compensation day off?

Sat, 25 Jan 2020 19:18:00

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Nga (in Long An Province) would like to ask: If the holiday fall on weekly day off, the employee will be compensated a day off on the next day, so if the employee who goes to work on that compensation day off, how his/her salary will be calculated?. Is he/she still arranged compensation day off?

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Is the consultant paying compulsory or voluntary social insurance?

Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:57:00

Through the System of receiving and responding to proposals of enterprises, the Project Management Unit of the "Institutional strengthening and enforcement" component (Hanoi) requests the competent authorities to answer problems about the regulations of paying Social insurance of consultants serving the activities of the Project Management Unit.

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Is employee possible to get paid for going to work priorto the expiration of the maternity leave period?

Fri, 08 Nov 2019 11:02:00

A reader has email address duongvx @ xxx asked: I was on maternity leave in the 4th month. Could I go to work priorto the expiration of the maternity leave period? I was paid maternity benefits by the social insurance, when I went to work priorto the expiration of the maternity leave period, Was I enjoyed full salary?

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Employees need to know the sickness benefits to protect their rights

Wed, 16 Oct 2019 16:54:00

Under the provisions of the Law on Social Insurance 2014, employees (employees) who get sick, accidents that are not in the case of occupational accidents and certified by competent health facilities will be entitled to sickness benefits (also applicable to those who have to take time off work to care for a sick child under 7 years old).

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Which project must buy insurance?

Tue, 15 Oct 2019 15:54:00

According to Ms. Ngo Thi Thu Hien (in Da Nang), the Decree 119/2015 / ND-CP stipulates that the project is required to prepare an environmental impact assessment report according to the contents in Appendix II and III of the Decree. Decree 18/2015 / ND-CP that belongs to the compulsory insurance purchaseproject.

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Both two children are sick, how to calculate the time to enjoy social insurance?

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 16:42:00

Reader’s email as sent an email to the Legal Advice’s Office of the Labor Newspaper and asked. I had 2 children under 7 years old who were admitted to the hospital and then discharged at the same hour and day.

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Determining work time to severance allowance calculation

Mon, 07 Oct 2019 16:52:00

Mr. Nguyen Viet Tam (in Hanoi), whois 51 years old, is a map surveying worker at the Topographic Survey Group, Department of State Surveying and Mapping from December 1985, having payment of social insurance. He would like to request for instructions on determining working time to calculate severance allowance.

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Is the bonus according to sales required to pay social insurance?

Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:09:00

Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyet (in Hai Duong Province) is an accountant of a trading company which distributes veterinary drugs and aquatic products. The company is preparing to implement a new policy, sales staff whoachieves target will get the bonus according to the output. Ms. Nguyet would like to ask, is this bonus according to targeted sales required to pay compulsory social insurance?

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Conditions for enjoying a pension when working capacity is reduced

Wed, 18 Sep 2019 10:04:00

Mr. Huynh Ngoc Suong (in Gia Lai Province) was born on January 1, 1966, he is a worker in charge of repairing electric lines and transformer stations in the electricity industry, and has paid social insurance for 35 consecutive years. Mr. Suong would like to ask if his health decline rate is over 61%, can he retire before his age?

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Working overseas, which case must I pay social insurance?

Tue, 23 Jul 2019 14:27:00

Mr. Ngo Hoang (in Da Nang City) paid social insurance for 4 years, then he terminated his job to go abroad. After 5 years abroad, he now wants to return to Vietnam to work. He would like to ask, does he have to pay social insurance for working abroad?

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Does fixed work contract have to pay social insurance?

Fri, 28 Jun 2019 17:03:00

The types of jobs that are stable and long-term are not allowed to sign fixed contracts but must sign labor contracts.

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Cases continue to receive working loss capacity allowances

Fri, 28 Jun 2019 16:37:00

Mr. Khoa Van Hau’s mother (in Bac Ninh Province) was born in 1947, worked at the Cooperative of Ha Bac Province (old name) from 1964, until 1987 he had a long-term resignation decision, the total working time was 23 years. After the break, his mother enjoyed abenefit for a short time and then it was cut off. Mr. Hau would like to ask, Is his mother enjoyed the benefit again?

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Is the apprenticeship contract calculated paying for social insurance?

Fri, 28 Jun 2019 16:26:00

The unit of Mr. Nguyen Son Dai Phat (in Hochiminh City) signed a 6-month apprenticeship contract with an employee. Mr. Phat would like to ask, does the unit need to pay compulsory social insurance for the apprentice? What are the regulations for apprenticeship contracts?

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Disability persons who are entitling pensions, are they also entitled disability benefits?

Thu, 20 Jun 2019 15:57:00

Mr. Le Dinh Thuat's father (in Hai Duong Province) is receiving monthly disability allowance, working at the City Blind Association and paying compulsory social insurance for 12 years. Now, his father reaches retirement age, his father pays voluntary social insurance for another 8 years to enjoy his pension.

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The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs answers questions about salary and social insurance

Wed, 29 May 2019 11:07:00

In cases an employees retired, thenhe/she works more, doeshe/she still need to continue to pay social insurance? An employee works in 2 companies, if he/she has paid social insurance in another company, how are the benefits in the company calculated? Are extraordinary bonuses deducted for social insurance? ...The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has just responded some questions about salary and social insurance.

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How does the company owe money for insurance?

Tue, 28 May 2019 11:38:00

In case the unit has not fully paid insurance, it will confirm the social insurance book by the time of paying social insurance, unemployment insurance, labor accident insurance and occupational disease insurance. After recovering the amount of money owed by the unit, it shall make additional confirmation on the social insurance book.

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Can I choose to pay social insurance according to regional minimum wage?

Thu, 23 May 2019 16:28:00

Mr. Vo Thanh Danh (in Binh Dinh Province) works at the company with a salary of VND 8 million / month. Mr. Danh would like to ask, is it possible if he wants his company to pay social insurance for him according to the regional minimum wage? If so, which regulations are based on?

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The company does not pay social insurance books, how to handle?

Tue, 21 May 2019 18:09:00

Mr. Dinh Xuan Tho's wife (in Hanoi) has been working for a company since 2011. In December 2016, his wife applied for a resignation, but the director requested to complete her job and resign after three months, then until March 2017, Mr. Tho's wife retired.

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