What additional income must be calculated to pay social insurance?

Wed, 08 May 2019 20:22:00

As of January 1, 2018, the monthly salary of social insurance premiums is the salary, salary allowance and other additional amounts prescribed by law stated in the labor contract.

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Conditions for a lump-sum allowance when the wife gives birth

Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:25:00

In case of childbirth, but the mother is not eligible for maternity benefits or if only the father participates in social insurance, the father pays social insurance for 6 months or more within 12 months before the wife gives birth to the child, the father will receive allowance 1 times equal to 2 times the basic salary at the month of birth for each child.

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Is referral for medical examination and treatment difficult?

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 18:48:00

In the opinion of Ha Nam voters, for the application of health insurance, on the insurance card, it is recorded as a national value but it is very difficult for people to seek medical care and to be transferred. Voters hoped to have a health insurance regime more fair and convenient.

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The maximum level of health insurance payment for one medical examination and treatment

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 18:32:00

Mr. Nguyen Hai Ly’s father (in Ha Tinh Province) is a retired cadre, has a health insurance card with benefit code No. 2. His father got a heart attack, after being treated at the district hospital, he was introduced to the provincial hospital level then, the provincial hospital level introduced him to Bach Mai Hospital.

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How is the vitreous replacement surgery paid by health insurance?

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 13:24:00

The mother of Mr. Nguyen Trung (in Nam Dinh Province) was receiving a monthly social allowance and had a health insurance card for the elderly. Currently, his mother's eyes had cataracts and must surgery.

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How to identify difficult financial subjects?

Wed, 17 Apr 2019 13:16:00

Mr. Le Van Se's family (in Tay Ninh Province) is a difficult household. When changing the land use purpose, the family does not have money to pay and wants to debit the land use fee, but the competent authority does not debit it because it is not financially difficult household.

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There are no regulations on medical examination and treatment norms of health insurance

Mon, 01 Apr 2019 14:47:00

Sending comments to the 4th Session of National Assembly XIV, Quang Nam voters requested the Ministry of Health to coordinate with Vietnam Social Insurance and related ministries and agencies to consider raising the norms of health insurance examination and treatment due to the norms currently are too low, people difficulty accessi the medical examination and treatment services with high ...

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Benefitsfor people who have labor accidents

Mon, 01 Apr 2019 14:44:00

Ms. Tran Tuyet (in Ho Chi Minh City) would like to request to have a guidance on the settlement of the benefits for workers in case they are suffers by accidents and long-term leave.

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Self-health examination at the central level, how to get health insurance?

Wed, 27 Mar 2019 10:42:00

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Son (in Lang Son Province) who is studying at the Public Security School in Hanoi, was granted a health insurance card with the initial medical examination and treatment place of Hospital 19/8. Now he has hepatitis B.

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There should be nodifference in pension for female employees

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 10:42:00

Sending comments to the 4th Session, National Assembly XIV, the voters of Dong Nai Province proposed to reconsider the regulation of the time of paying social insurance and the rate of pension from 2018 according to schedule of 35 years for men and 30 years for women instead of 30 years for men and 25 years for women as today. Because this regulation will affect the benefits of participantswho ...

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Is it possible to transfer health insurance to Provincial Endocrinology Hospital?

Thu, 07 Mar 2019 10:39:00

The mother of Mr. Truong Vinh Phu (in Yen Bai Province) has diabetes, registered for medical examination and treatment at the General Hospital of the province. Because the hospital is away from home, Mr. Phu's mother had a difficulty going to the hospital and taking medicine and injections every month. Mr. Phu would like to ask, can his mother transfer to the Endocrinology Hospital to ...

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Cases are entitled to a lump sum social insurance

Fri, 01 Mar 2019 14:12:00

The current social insurance law does not stipulate the deadline for submission of the lump sum social insurance entitlement after being eligible for this enjoyment. Therefore, after being eligible, it is possible to submit the lump sum social insurance claim at any time that entitled employees need to receive this benefit.

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Do unemployment allowance policies still have loopholes?

Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:39:00

According to the opinion of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, the regulation on the period of payment and unemployment insurance has been profited by many employees who"jumped" jobs, especially young employees have just worked only 12 months, then resigned to enjoy 3 months of unemployment benefits and find an other job in an another business.

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Payment procedures for health insurance after hospital discharge

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:25:00

Ms. Le Thi Nguyen (in Ho Chi Minh City) gave birth to a premature baby. When she went to the hospital, she did not bring her health insurance card. At present, Mrs. Nguyen has been discharged from the hospital and paid her own hospital fees. All hospital bills have information ofher company. Ms. Nguyen would like to ask, isshe paidback the hospital fee ? If so, howis procedure?

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Employees who payunemployment insurance are supported on vocational training

Thu, 31 Jan 2019 16:17:00

The Binh Minh Translation Services Co., Ltd. specializes in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and English translation,and has registered translating vocational training activities, which have been licensed for teachingthe primary Chinese and Korean level by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affair.

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