12 Beneficiaries of Social Housing Support Policies

Tue, 10 Sep 2024 14:38:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

According to Mr. Doan Xuan Duong, the regulation on beneficiaries of social housing support policies in Clause 6, Article 76 of the 2023 Housing Law is unclear: "Workers and laborers currently employed at enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative unions both inside and outside industrial zones."

Mr. Duong suggested that there needs to be a guiding document regarding this matter, specifying whether "workers" here includes "foreign workers working in Vietnam."

The Ministry of Construction responded to this issue as follows:

On June 29, 2023, the National Assembly approved the Housing Law No. 27/2023/QH15, which will take effect on August 1, 2024. Accordingly:

Clause 7, Article 2 of the 2023 Housing Law states:

"7. Social housing is housing that receives support from the State for beneficiaries according to the provisions of this Law."

Article 76 of the 2023 Housing Law stipulates:

"Article 76. Beneficiaries of social housing support policies

1. People with meritorious services to the revolution and relatives of martyrs eligible for housing improvement support as prescribed by the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution.

2. Poor and near-poor households in rural areas.

3. Poor and near-poor households in rural areas affected by natural disasters and climate change.

4. Poor and near-poor households in urban areas.

5. Low-income individuals in urban areas.

6. Workers and laborers currently employed at enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative unions both inside and outside industrial zones.

7. Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers of the People's Armed Forces, police workers, civil servants, and defense workers and officials currently serving; individuals working in cryptography and other positions in cryptographic organizations receiving salaries from the state budget.

8. Officials and civil servants as defined by law on officials and civil servants.

9. Individuals who have returned public housing as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 125 of this Law, except in cases where public housing is reclaimed due to violations of this Law.

10. Households and individuals whose land has been reclaimed and who must relocate or demolish their housing according to the law, but have not been compensated by the State with housing or residential land.

11. Students and trainees at universities, academies, colleges, vocational schools, and specialized schools as defined by law; students at public boarding ethnic minority schools.

12. Enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative unions in industrial zones."

Accordingly, the beneficiaries of social housing support policies do not include foreign workers working in Vietnam.


By: Chinhphu.vn/ Translator: LeAnh-Bizic

Source: https://baochinhphu.vn/12-doi-tuong-huong-chinh-sach-ho-tro-ve-nha-o-xa-hoi-102240916164245923.htm


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