We will lag behind if we don't make efforts to reform

Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:33:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

On the morning of September 15, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a symposium on accelerating administrative procedure reform and modernizing methods of direction and administration to serve people and businesses. The Prime Minister emphasized that if we do not make efforts to reform, we will lag behind.

More than 1,700 business regulations have been cut and simplified

Over the past time, ministries, branches and localities have paid attention and made efforts to implement groups of tasks and solutions and achieved some positive and important results on administrative procedure reform, modernize the method of direction and administration. Regarding administrative procedure reform, the reduction and simplification of regulations related to business activities have been drastically and effectively implemented. Accordingly, more than 1,700 regulations have been reduced and simplified in 125 legal documents, more than 1,100 business regulations have been approved for reduction and simplification plans.

The decentralization in administrative procedure settlement is concerned with directing, step by step promoting in the direction that the level closest to the grassroots level, killing the people, is assigned to that level for settlement, without leaving many layers, prolonging the settlement time and causing problems. harassment and negativity. 699 administrative procedures have been approved for decentralization of settlement, accounting for 13.47% of administrative procedures.

In addition, the renovation of the implementation of the one-stop-shop mechanism in solving administrative procedures in the direction of digitization, regardless of administrative boundaries, has been focused, initially having results. The whole country currently has 11,699 one-stop shops at all levels (57 provincial public administrative service centers). 53/63 localities have merged the Public Service Portal and the Electronic One-Stop Information System.

Online public services have been deployed more effectively and extensively. They have provided 3,805 online public services level 3, 4; more than 2.8 million registered accounts (up 2.8 times over the same period in 2021); more than 4.78 million online applications made (up 3 times over the same period); more than 129.6 million state synchronization records (up 2 times over the same period); more than 2.6 million online payment transactions with more than 2.78 trillion VND (up 16 times over the same period in 2021).

Processing of work records in the network environment has been promoted, achieving many positive results. Many ministries, branches and localities have processed work records in the network environment at a high rate; more than 14.2 million electronic documents are sent and received between state administrative agencies at all levels; nearly 1,300 electronic ballots to collect opinions of Government members are performed on the Information System for meetings and handling of the Government's affairs.

There are still many barriers

Concluding the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that the conference has an important meaning, contributing to the Government's socio-economic management in the current situation, especially macroeconomic stability. Control inflation, promote growth, all for the sake of the people. Recognizing and praising the results achieved by all levels and sectors in administrative procedure reform, but the Prime Minister also requested to be honest about the shortcomings and limitations that need to be overcome soon for this work to be more effective.

According to the Prime Minister, some leaders at all levels have not really paid attention and drastically directed and prioritized resources for administrative reform; modernize the method of direction and administration; In many places, the implementation is still ineffective. The coordination between ministries, branches and localities, especially departments and branches, is sometimes confusing, passive, lacking in rigor and efficiency. “Communication in some fields still has many barriers, causing frustration in society. The reduction and simplification of business regulations has not been paid due attention to, and has not mobilized the active participation of associations, businesses and people in the reform process. Many ministries and branches do not have plans to reform administrative procedures. People and businesses also have to bear many unnecessary input costs," the head of the Government pointed out.

People using online public services will reach 50% by 2023

By the end of 2023, the proportion of people using online public services must reach 50%. The immediate goal is for each family to have at least one member who can perform public service online. In the long term, we must help people and businesses change their perceptions, habits and behaviors in performing public administrative services from face-to-face to online.

Regarding the direction of the coming time, the Prime Minister emphasized a number of guiding points, according to which, there should be a more powerful way of thinking, approaching, leading and directing innovation at all levels, especially those who directly contact and work with people and businesses. Inheriting and promoting the achieved results, good lessons and valuable experiences; promote innovation and make breakthrough efforts.

"If we do not make efforts to promote administrative procedure reform and modernize the direction and administration, we will lag behind while we must take advantage of every opportunity to rise up," Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed.

The Prime Minister further emphasized: Promote the spirit of initiative, creativity, resolutely eliminate local interests; mobilize all resources, participate in the construction and development of the whole political system, business community and people; with the motto "Putting people and businesses as the center, the subject and the goal, the motivation" and "taking the satisfaction of the people and businesses to evaluate the performance".

The Prime Minister suggested that administrative procedure reform and modernization of direction and administration must closely follow reality, derive from reality, respect reality, take practice as a measure; Saying must go hand in hand with doing and must have concrete results, substantive, not formal. Simultaneously, promoting decentralization and decentralization to reduce hierarchies and intermediaries, simplify processes and internal administrative procedures, shortening the time to handle administrative procedures of administrative agencies, better serving people and businesses, directly affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of the government apparatus at all levels.

More decisively, the head of the Government suggested that it be necessary to strictly implement discipline, administrative discipline, personalize responsibilities, and uphold the role of the head. The more "pressure", the more "effort"; transition from "passive" to "active"; creating friendliness and sharing between management agencies and people and businesses when implementing administrative procedures in particular and improving relations between state administrative agencies and people and businesses in general. Encourage the protection of those who dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for the common good.

The Prime Minister requested a series of "actions need to be done immediately"

Regarding tasks and solutions, the Prime Minister requested that, first of all, ministries, branches and localities focus on implementing Resolution 02/NQ-CP of the Government on key tasks and solutions to improve the business environment business, improving national competitiveness in 2022, Project on developing the application of data on population, electronic identification and authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022 - 2025, with a vision to 2030 ( Project 06).

At the same time, review and propose a plan to reduce and simplify regulations related to business activities, and submit them to the Prime Minister for consideration and approval before September 30 every year; fully, accurately update and promptly publicize business regulations, compliance costs, reform options on the Consultancy Portal and look up business regulations. Conduct consultations with people and businesses on regulations, problems, difficulties and reform options on this system.

Organize the immediate implementation of the approved plans to reduce and simplify business regulations and the decentralization plan in handling administrative procedures (Decision 1015/QD-TTg dated August 30, 2022), and at the same time focus Review and simplify 59 administrative procedures/groups of internal administrative procedures among state administrative agencies. In addition, perfecting and improving the quality of online public service provision, ensuring user-friendliness. Accelerate the process of digitizing records and administrative procedure settlement results in accordance with the Government's regulations (Decree 107/2021/ND-CP and Decree 45/2020/ND-CP).

Ministries, branches and localities strive to improve the level of people's satisfaction with the service of authorities at all levels in implementing administrative procedures, of which by 2023, it will reach over 80%, by 2025, it will reach over 90% of the satisfaction level. The rate of on-time settlement at the Public Administration Service Center must reach over 90%.

Along with that, promoting connection, integration and sharing of information and data between information systems, national and specialized databases with the National Public Service Portal and the Information System for Handling Administrative Procedures. ministerial and provincial levels, ensuring information safety and network security.

Striving to the middle of 2023, there are 5 ministries, branches and 10 localities to complete the construction of the Executive Index, put it into operation, and integrate information and data with the Information, Direction and Administration Center of the Government, Prime Minister.


By: Translator: LeAnh-Bizic

Source: https://thoibaotaichinhvietnam.vn/se-tut-hau-neu-khong-no-luc-cai-cach-112841.html


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