Viet Nam deploys next level-2 field hospital to South Sudan

Wed, 20 Nov 2019 14:33:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Vietnamese medical staff departed Tuesday for South Sudan to run the second rotation of Viet Nam's level-two field hospital as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the African country. 

In early morning, family members and medical staff arrive
at the military airport of Division 371

 After two years of training, Viet Nam's second group of 63 personnel have fulfilled the U.N. requirements to replace their colleagues at Viet Nam's field hospital participating in peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.

A medical staff carries baby before leaving for South Sudan 

"All doctors are trained to diagnose and provide emergency treatment to severely injured patients and prepare patients for airlifts to provide the best healthcare to both U.N. peacekeepers and local people, said Colonel Nguyen Nhu Canh," Deputy Director of the Viet Nam Department of Peacekeeping Operations.

The new personnel will take over mission from colleagues
righ upon reaching South Sudan

Preparations for the third group, with 70 personnel, are underway, according to Colonel Hoang Kim Phung, Director of Viet Nam Department of Peacekeeping Operations, said.

The first batch of Vietnamese medical staff will return to Viet Nam
in two groups on November 21 and November 28

 Last month, Vietnamese field hospital in South Sudan won praise for successfully treating 1,800 patients, including severe cases of intestinal caseation and malignant malaliar.

 Set up a year ago, the hospital has also helped airlift patients requiring more intensive treatment to higher level hospitals.

 In addition, the hospital's staff has conducted training programs for local medical units in collaboration with U.N. personnel.

An unforgettable movement at the departure ceremony

Viet Nam began joining in UN peacekeeping operations in 2014. In its initial years, the country sent staff and liaison officers and observers to several African nations, including South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

The first real milestone in its participation in UN peacekeeping operations was the dispatch of the level-2 field hospital no. 1 to Bentiu, South Sudan, on October 1, 2018.

More pictures from the departure ceremony with the presence of Australian Ambassador to Viet Nam Robyn Mudie:


By: Quang Minh/Online Newspaper of the Government - Viet Nam Government Portal



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