VCCI Deputy Secretary General Dau Anh Tuan: Customs-Business Partnership has dramatic changes

Mon, 16 Sep 2024 09:54:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Deputy Secretary General, Director of Legal Department of Vietnam Federation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) Dau Anh Tuan assessed that 10 years of Customs sector implementing Customs-Business Partnership has created dramatic changes.

Mr. Dau Anh Tuan shared at the Customs - Business Forum 2024. Photo: T.Binh.
Mr. Dau Anh Tuan shared at the Customs - Business Forum 2024. Photo: T.Binh.

Breakthrough in thinking

We've witnessed significant and remarkable transformations in the Customs agency's approach to Customs-Business partnerships over the past decade. Numerous figures can attest to this, but I'll focus on our export-import turnover. In 2023, we achieved nearly US$700 billion, and in the first eight months of 2024, we surpassed US$500 billion. Such an export-import turnover, nearly double our GDP, is a testament to the Customs agency's substantial contributions," shared Dau Anh Tuan at the 2024 Customs-Business Forum, themed "10-years development of Customs-Business partnerships," co-organized by Customs Magazine and the Customs Modernization Reform Board (General Department of Vietnam Customs) on September 10, 2024.

The significant and growing export-import turnover has led to increased state budget revenue and job creation. Thanks to the Customs agency's facilitation efforts, including the implementation of partnerships, Vietnam has achieved such an impressive export-import turnover.

It's noteworthy that the Customs agency's implementation of Customs-Business partnerships marked a significant shift in mindset, transforming businesses from being merely managed entities to valued partners. With this shift in mindset, the implementation of partnerships has become increasingly substantive. For instance, the Customs agency has enhanced consultation with businesses from the policy development stage. "When developing the 2014 Customs Law and its guiding decrees and circulars, we observed the Customs agency's proactiveness and cooperation in discussions and seeking input from businesses," the VCCI Deputy Secretary-General exemplified.

Subsequently, the proactive provision of information to the business community has been implemented extensively throughout the Customs agency. This is crucial, as many foreign-invested enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises may not have the resources to access ample information. Surveys conducted by the VCCI indicate a growing percentage of businesses that rate the ease of accessing information in the customs field highly. Access to information is facilitated through various channels such as the General Department of Vietnam Customs' electronic portal, local customs departments, and training courses.

Mr. Dau Anh Tuan (2nd from right) participated in the discussion at the Forum. Photo: T.Binh.
Mr. Dau Anh Tuan (2nd from right) participated in the discussion at the Forum. Photo: T.Binh.

The third notable point highlighted by Dau Anh Tuan is the resolution of difficulties faced by businesses.

"Businesses inevitably encounter challenges and obstacles. I've observed a strong emphasis on the Customs agency organizing dialogue conferences to discuss, listen to, and address these challenges alongside businesses. This has become a regular practice and is very substantive. Beyond national-level dialogues in major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, in recent years, the General Department of Vietnam Customs and the VCCI have collaborated to organize regional-level conferences in key economic zones. Moreover, local customs departments have also organized numerous dialogue sessions," said Dau Anh Tuan.

Another highlight is the survey of business community satisfaction. The VCCI has conducted nine surveys of the business community to assess their satisfaction with the Customs agency. This demonstrates the Customs agency's receptiveness to feedback, as in addition to surveying positive aspects, the VCCI also assesses the inconveniences faced by businesses and sensitive indicators...

Reform of other ministries is needed

Despite expressing many positive impressions about the recent reforms and facilitation efforts, Dau Anh Tuan believes that the Customs agency still has ample room for more robust reforms.

According to the VCCI Deputy Secretary-General, the application of the automated customs clearance system VNACCS/VCIS has significantly reduced clearance time. However, reducing clearance time is not solely the responsibility of the Customs agency but also involves multiple ministries and agencies, including specialized inspection procedures.

Currently, specialized inspection procedures lack uniformity among agencies, and businesses still face many difficulties. Although the National Single Window portal is now in place, the interconnection and information sharing among ministries and agencies is not yet truly effective. In many cases, businesses still have to carry out procedures in person.

"The Customs agency has made progress in providing online public services, but we expect a more uniform transformation. The Customs agency's leading role is crucial, along with the joint efforts of relevant ministries and agencies," Dau Anh Tuan suggested.

In addition to effectively performing its state management functions in customs, the Customs agency should introduce more solutions to further facilitate businesses in complying with the law.

By: Customs News



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