There should be unity in management
Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:54:00 | Print | Email Share:
Name of recommendations: There should be unity in management
Status: Responded
Recommended by units: The Vietnam Association of Geosciences and Minerals
Official letter: 0874/PTM - VP, dated: 2017-04-20
Recommended contents:
For having unity between the charge manager and the person charged to submit:
- There should be clear and specific regulations on the conversion ratio between units of measurement of minerals to be charged for each type of mineral.
- There should be agreement on the collection rates of all localities in the whole country: For the same types of mines, minerals, mining process and technological chain, the level of pollution the same environment. Therefore, it is not possible for two mines to be located in the same geographic location but because in different locations the different charge rates are unreasonable.
If the charge rates are considered "unloading", then at each specific time, it is necessary to stipulate that a fee for each mineral ore at that time shall be fixed for the whole country.
Responded by units: The Ministry of Finance
Official letter: 6117/BTC-CST, dated: 2017-05-11
Responded contents:
- a) About fee level
In Clause 2, Article 4 of the Government's Decree No. 164/2016 / ND-CP dated December 24, 2016 on environmental protection charges for mineral exploitation, the following provisions: "The environmental protection fee bracket for mineral exploitation according to the Framework Fee levels issued with this Decree "and assign the provincial People's Councils to decide on specific levels of application in localities to suit the practical situation in each period (Clause 4, Article 4).
The above regulation is to ensure the level of environmental protection fees for each type of mineral in each mine, each locality is close to reality. Mining activities between mines, in different locations and the same locations are very different, due to the content of primary mineral ores; coefficient of stripping, stone ... are different. For example: iron ore mines in Lao Cai, Ha Tinh often have low iron content; iron ores account for only 20-30% of the original mineral volume; While the iron ore deposits in Thai Nguyen are higher (50-60%), the premiums provided in the Decree may be suitable for this mine, but this is not appropriate with other mines, other localities.
- Regarding the regulation on conversion rates
In Clause 4, Article 5 of Decree No. 164/2016 / ND-CP: "Where exploited minerals must be screened, sorted, classified and enriched prior to sale and other cases, On the basis of the actual exploitation and processing of minerals in the locality, the provincial / municipal Natural Resources and Environment Services shall chair and coordinate with local tax departments in proposing the provincial-level People's Committees to decide on the percentage change from the quantity of finished minerals to the amount of raw minerals used as a basis for environmental protection charges for each type of mineral to suit the actual situation of the locality. "
In fact, only local authorities can grasp the situation of mining and the environmental impact of each mine in the area. In cases where it is necessary to convert the quantity of finished minerals to the quantity of raw minerals in order to suit the actual management of charge collection, each mineral deposit and category has the ore content, … different. Therefore, the Decree No. 164/2016 / ND-CP stipulates the authority for provincial People's Committees to decide on the conversion ratio to suit the actual situation. It is not feasible to specify the criteria for the whole country.
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