Sustainable healthcare support with Bayer

Mon, 19 Dec 2022 22:19:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

According to the United Nations Population Division, during the next 45 years, the number of persons aged 60 years or over is expected almost to triple, increasing from 672 million in 2005 to nearly 1.9 billion by 2050.

Sustainable healthcare support with Bayer

It is estimated that 60 per cent of elderly persons live today in developing countries, but by the middle of the century, that rate will rise to 80 per cent. In most developing countries, women predominate, and the proportion of older women is also higher.

According to the United Nations Population Fund, Vietnam is one of the most rapidly ageing countries in the world. People aged 60 and older made up 11.9 per cent of the total population in 2019, and by 2050, it could rise to more than 25 per cent. By 2036, Vietnam will be classed as transitioning from an “ageing” to an “aged” society.

This trend of demographic change will present both opportunities and challenges for Vietnam’s socioeconomic aspects, creating more pressure on the health system to take care of the elderly population. As a result, strong actions are required to improve health and treat common diseases in older people.

One of the greatest challenges is the management and treatment of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients, putting pressure on the health system and the community. In addition, women’s empowerment and healthcare is also one of the top issues that need attention and improvement.

Sustainable healthcare support with Bayer
Seminar on endometriosis from Bayer Vietnam, VAGO, and NHOG

A healthy ageing journey

As a major global life sciences company, Bayer is constantly researching and developing innovative medications and new therapeutic approaches that help improve quality of life in patients suffering from heart and blood conditions. In thrombosis management, the company has developed the first direct oral Factor Xa inhibitor, used for the prevention and treatment of life-threatening blood clots.

Bayer is working in collaboration with leading scientific, academic, and industry partners to improve the understanding of cardiovascular diseases and to help the local medical community find innovative approaches for patients. At the same time, the company also strives to raise public awareness and call for the active participation of patients and their families in prevention and treatment of these diseases.

In October 2022, at the Scientific Symposium on Stroke, Bayer Vietnam together with the Ho Chi Minh City Stroke Association conducted an expert roundtable discussion. The topic was “Anticoagulation for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: from research to clinical practice”. It provided crucial information on the use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants over more than 10 years of clinical practice in Vietnam.

In an effort to enhance knowledge of the public on stroke prevention, for over a year Bayer has been teaming up with the Vietnam Administration Medical Service to develop a digital multi-platform portal named Stroke, which includes a website, fan page, and YouTube channel.

Digital platforms like these enable the public, patients, and caregivers access scientifically accurate information and updated knowledge about strokes – including causes, symptoms, treatment, and recommendations on prevention, such as lifestyle changes and treatment compliance.

Supporting women’s health

Alongside the pressure from the global ageing trend, the demands for reproductive healthcare and voluntary family planning of approximately 218 million women living in low- and middle-income countries also requires more attention..

Worldwide, the number of unintended pregnancies remains constantly high, and almost half of all pregnancies that occur each year are unintended. Unintended pregnancies without sufficient preparation not only increase the risk of health complications for both mothers and children, but also have a lasting negative impact on socioeconomic life.

With a history of 160 years of innovation in women’s health, Bayer has been constantly working to develop medical solutions that help make a difference to women’s lives, offering a wide range of morden effective birth control methods as well as therapies for menopause management and gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.

The company has pledged its commitment until 2030 to providing 100 million women in low- and middle-income countries with access to suitable family planning knowledge and methods.

In Vietnam, over many years, Bayer has been collaborating with the General Office for Population and Family Planning (GOPFP) to implement effective communication programmes and provide women, notably adolescent girls, with scientifically accurate information about the pros and cons of modern contraceptive methods, while addressing misconceptions and encouraging them to proactively take their reproductive and sexual health into their own hands.

Many initiatives have been conducted by both parties included the “Living Proactively” campaign; an online contest on understanding contraception and sharing inspirational stories; and mobile app “Be Proactive in Life” which, together, have helped more than 25 million women across the country receive direct advice from population officials on how to choose safe and suitable birth control methods.

The company is committed to fostering collaboration with partners and agencies to utilise digital platforms to promote the rights of individuals to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children, as well as to improve knowledge of reproductive health for Vietnamese women in accordance with national strategies and programmes.

Further enhancing its commitment to support women’s health, in 2022, Bayer Vietnam along with the Vietnam Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics (VAGO) and National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NHOG) held a seminar to educate the public about endometriosis – a chronic disease with serious implications on women. The company also launched the #DontLiveWithPain campaign to encourage women to seek intervention and treatment early.

Previously, the company together with clinical experts from across the region unveiled a new consensus guideline: “Clinical Diagnosis and Early Medical Management for Endometriosis: Consensus for Asia” with a view to helping healthcare professionals navigate clinical diagnosis for the treatment of endometriosis and creating the very best outcomes for their patients.

Through these types of initiatives to develop sustainable health, Bayer V

By: Thanh Van/ Vietnam Investment Review



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