Recommendations on the registration of canoes (production codes H30 and H38 of Viet - Czech Technology Joint Stock Company) capable for carrying over 12 people should be produced for trial)

Fri, 24 Nov 2017 09:53:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Name of recommendations: Recommendations on the registration of canoes (production codes H30 and H38 of Viet - Czech Technology Joint Stock Company) capable for carrying over 12 people should be produced for trial)

Status: Has not been responded

Recommended by units: The Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company

Official letter: No 1680/PTM - VP, dated: 2017-07-14

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Details of recommendations:

Regarding the contents and comments of the Vietnam Register, "H30 vehicles with capacity of 20 persons and H38 with capacity of 35 persons ... are capable of carrying more than 12 persons, so these means should be produced for trial. according to the regulations " and " requests your company to report to the Ministry of Transport for approval of the test production ", the Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company would like to present as follows:

- First: Two cannoes H30 and H38 (canoes code produced by the Czech company) are two tourist canoes. In terms of size, engine power, the complexity of these two samples is much lower than that of the H47 patrol ship that the Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company has built and handed over to the Vietnam Coast Guard, the Navy Register has put it into use since 2014 that is still working well. It has proved that the Vietnam -Czech Technology Joint Stock Company has enough capacity to produce two samples of H30 and H38. In fact, these two cannoes have been built and tested to meet the technical requirements. Therefore, the company thinks that it is not necessary to submit for a test production with the Ministry of Transport. Rather, the Vietnam Register may inspect the design and actual calculation dossiers of ships manufactured to determine the vessel's capacity so that, if complying with design calculation dossiers, the Vietnam Register should grant registry for vehicles to be operated.

 - Second: According to the The Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company, at present, the standard for PPC material (QCVN 95: 2016 / BGTVT) is not mandatory to apply because it has not been enforced. The Vietnam Register can apply the method and process of checking ships as they have done from 2015 and similar to the way of the Navy registry agencies, CS Lloyd registry has inspected and granted the registry.

- Third: Two cannoes with code H30 and H38 on the design process and production, materials are not different from the canoes that the company has been granted a registry by the Vietnam Register. The only difference is that the capacity of the canoes H30 and H38 is higher than the canoes previously registered. The determination of the load capacity of the vehicles shall be based on the design calculation and the actual inspection of the vehicles produced according to the processes and methods applied by the Vietnam Register to issue registry for production means made of PPC materials from 2015 up to now with the condition of the correct calculation results and the actual capacity of the ship is capable for carrying many people, the registry is issued accordingly.

The Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company continues to recommend the Ministry of Transport to direct the Vietnam Register to consider the reasonable requirements of the Company and to approve the registration of the two sample vehicles H30 and H38 manufactured by the Company. Design dossiers weresent to the Vietnam Register a number of months ago and were not required to be tested. The Viet-Czech Technology Joint Stock Company pledged to provide full documentation of the origin of the PPC materialsproduced vessels at the request of the registry agency to verify that the company has produced test shipsusing PPC materials technology from year 2012 before being recognized as a science and technologybusiness. The company's desire is to be exempted from continuing pilot production of vessels with a capacity of more than 12 passengers because of this request causes difficulties for the company.

Responded by units: The Ministry of Transport

Official letter: , dated:

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