NA Chairwoman addresses IPU-140 plenary session
Mon, 08 Apr 2019 14:47:00 | Print | Email Share:
VGP - The National Assembly of Viet Nam is always a responsible member of the IPU and ready to work with IPU and other member parliaments to implement the IPU resolutions and initiatives, contributing to building peace and sustainable development for the sake of people around the globe, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said.
Mr. Ngan made the statement while addressing the plenary session of the 140th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-140) in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, on April 7.
The IPU-140 opened on April 6, taking in the theme “Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law”. It brought together leaders of parliaments, heads of delegations from 160 member parliaments, over 1,600 parliamentarians and representatives from international organizations.
Ms. Ngan said peace, security, and sustainable development are the goals that require all nations to make more joint efforts to build fundamental foundations, in which education is used as an approach and also a prerequisite condition.
In the current global context, education helps promote dialogue, enhance mutual understanding, fight against xenophobia, and prevent extremism, she said, adding education needs to target everyone in society on the basis of equality and justice.
She laid stress on the important role of parliamentarians in fine-tuning the legal system, distributing budget, supervising the Government’s implementation of action plans in education, as well as their role as a bridge for improving knowledge and awareness of people about the important role of education for peace, security and sustainable development.
The Vietnamese leader welcomed every effort of the IPU in pushing its member parliaments to give priority to education via its resolutions adopted in 1993, 2001 and 2017, saying this IPU’s theme shows the long-term and humane vision, looking toward a sustainable future for multilateral cooperation among nations.
She said that Viet Nam always gives priority to sustainable development, highlights education as its prime national policy to help raise intellectual standard, and generate high-quality human resources to meet requirements of Industry 4.0.
The National Assembly of Viet Nam adopted and revised many legal documents, like the Constitution, the Law on Tertiary Education, and the Law on Vocational Training, and increased supervision with the aim of raising the quality of education in Viet Nam, the top legislator said.
She suggested the international community continue to strengthen the peaceful and stable environment for sustainable development and focus on providing comprehensive education for everyone with the aim of preventing the seeds of conflicts and promoting international legal framework for education cooperation, boosting vocational training to improve the quality of laborers for economic development.
Along with promoting the role of parliaments and parliamentarian, providing a complete legal framework, building a state of the rule of law, and supervising the execution and approval of budgets for education reform programs, the countries should work to ensure all people access education.
She underlined the need to continue supervising the implementation of national action plan to implement sustainable development goals, asking the IPU to press ahead with reforms to raise the efficiency and role of its member parliaments in carrying out adopted resolutions.
The leader stressed the importance of increasing dialogue, international cooperation and partnership between countries, and regional and international organizations, providing maximum support for countries that meet limitations in carrying out comprehensive and inclusive education programs./
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