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MM Mega Market Vietnam expands its footprint in the North with opening Sapa Depot

Mon, 23 May 2022 15:57:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

MM Mega Market Vietnam on May 21st, 2022 publicly opened a new Depot in Sapa, expanding its fifth depot nationwide. This is recognised as a significant step forward in the sustainable development and expansion of MM Vietnam in distribution network system for the 5-year period from 2020 to 2025 to better serve its professional customers especially HoReCa channel.

The delegates cut the ribbon in the opening ceremony of new MM’s Depot in Sapa

Sapa Depot – a strategic development at the famous tourist site

Located on the main crossroad about two kilometers from the town center, Sapa Depot spreads over a land area of 480 square meters, in which the total area of the warehouse is 394 square meters. Its target customers comprise business or professional customers who have been providing their products and services in the hospitality industry in Sapa. As an important part of MM Mega Market Vietnam’s supply chain and sourcing management, Sapa Depot aims to provide a wide range of leading-edge products to better support our customers’ evolving demands in a timely manner, while enabling us to offer further solutions within 38 kilometers from Lao Cai City to the central area of Sapa. Major categories available at Sapa Depot include fresh food (45%), dry food (45%), and non-food (10%).

Potential of development for Sapa Depot

Sapa is a small mountainous town with densely populated subdivisions in Northwest Vietnam. Thus, the delivery and operational costs in Sapa have remained low. Meanwhile, Sapa has emerged as one of the most popular tourist attractions in the northern region, which has led to huge investments in local HORECA businesses. These businesses are seen as main targets of MM Vietnam.

Furthermore, the transportation of commodities from Hanoi to Lao Cai City takes around 5 hours by road. This has caused the overuse of time, financial, human and fossil fuel resources; therefore, there has been a growing demand for the nearest supply chain and sourcing partners that offer the best products at the most competitive prices. In recognition of potential for development and expansion in Sapa, MM Vietnam regards Sapa as the best option for opening its fifth depot.

By: T.N (Vietnam Business Forum)

Source: https://vccinews.com/news/47795/mm-mega-market-vietnam-expands-its-footprint-in-the-north-with-opening-sapa-depot.html


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