Japanese diplomat confident Vietnam will be elected to UNSC

Wed, 05 Jun 2019 13:57:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

On the threshold of the election of five countries as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council slated for June 7, a Japanese high-ranking diplomat has expressed his belief that Vietnam will have a high chance to win the election.

Head of the Japanese delegation to the UN Koro Bessho
(Photo: webtv.un.org)

Speaking to Vietnam News Agency correspondents on the possibility, head of the Japanese delegation to the UN Koro Bessho stressed: “I am sure Vietnam will be elected”. He also said he hopes Vietnam, when elected, will have a role to play in a very important issue, that is to keep the council continuing its operations in an effective way.

The diplomat affirmed Vietnam is a “very important, close friend and strategic partner” of Japan, that is why the two sides want to help each other in international issues.

With regard to the Asian-Pacific region, he said Japan looks towards Vietnam’s leadership in helping the point of view of regional countries be reflected.

Vietnam has “very important” history of overcoming the war and building peace and economy, and this will give the country a status in the security council, the Japanese diplomat stressed, adding that the experience will also help Vietnam give good advice and input into the organization.

He also shared his country’s experiences in solving challenges during the 22 years when Japan was a non-permanent member of the council, stressing on the need for thorough preparations to grasp the issues emerging in reality at different points of time.



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