During the reception, the Lao official congratulated Vietnam on its achievements over the recent past and its position in the international arena, to which the Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has made considerable contributions.
She showed elation at the special solidarity between Laos and Vietnam as well as the two Party Commissions for External Relations, saying that the two commissions will continue to step up closer coordination and offer mutual support at regional and international forums.
Soonthorn Xayachak suggested intensifying the exchange of information and experience so as to properly carry out agreements reached between the two nations’ leaders.
For his part, Quan thanked the Lao side for its support and assistance, and pledged to continue working hand in hand with the Lao commission to effectively realize agreements reached between the two Parties and two commissions, thus helping deepen the ties between the two countries.
Host and guest used the occasion to discuss orientations for future cooperation between the two commissions.