Experience in implementing AI projects shared
Fri, 28 Jun 2019 13:44:00 | Print | Email Share:
Experience in carrying out artificial intelligence (AI) projects was discussed at a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on June 26.
Overview of the workshop
The event was held by the Quang Trung Software City (QTSC), Vietnam Software Association and Vietnam Information Technology Outsourcing Alliance (VNITO).
AI is currently one of the technologies drawing great public concern and in Vietnam, domestic technology companies have implemented many projects related to AI.
Nhieu Quoc Tran, head of the QTSC’s Technology Solutions Division, said the application of AI has helped QTSC promote the efficiency of a system of more than 300 cameras in the city, which identify people entering areas and detect traffic violations.
Vice Rector of Hoa Sen University Vu Tuong Thuy pointed to the fact that AI research and application is developing in Vietnam, but human resources training in this field remains limited.
He suggested training engineers who are currently working in information technology on artificial intelligence, as opening an AI faculty at any educational institution requires time.
At the workshop, representatives from enterprises, universities and research institutes made recommendations to boost cooperation in stepping up AI research and application in Vietnam.
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