Electronic imports from China hit US$5 billion

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:29:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

VOV.VN - The import of electronic items and components, and computers from China experienced sharp annual growth of 80.8 per cent to reach US$5.05 billion during the first five months of 2019, according to Vietnam Customs.

Illustrative photo (Source: Vneconomy.vn)

This import value has made China the second largest source of electronic items, components, and computers for Vietnam in the five-month period. Elsewhere, the Republic of Korea topped the list of the Southeast Asian country’s overseas electronic item providers.

Statistics released by the General Department of Vietnam Customs indicate that electronic items, components, and computers were among the top import categories during the five-month period.

The import of electronic goods posted more than US$20 billion during the five-month period, edging up 1.3 per cent per annum. As for May, the country spent US$341 million on such items, a year on year rise of 8.6 per cent.

In a related move, local media has recently blamed Asanzo, a Ho Chi Minh city-based electronic product manufacturer, for importing Chinese-made electronic components and relabeling them as “made-in-Vietnam” ones before putting them on sale. The firm had intentionally boasted about the application of modern Japanese technology into its manufacturing process.

Given this, the High Quality Vietnamese Product Business Association has revoked a certificate of high-quality Vietnamese goods as voted by consumers which had previously been awarded to Asanzo.

Vu Kim Hanh, chairwoman of the association, said that the certificate revocation was decided on the basis of the Asanzo probe by local press, along with the review of the company’s profile and intentional misdeclarations on the origin of products. 



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