Business Forum Magazine: Three Decades of Leadership, Innovation and Partnership with Entrepreneurs and Enterprises

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Business Forum Magazine marked its 30th anniversary at an event on November 3, a significant milestone in its journey of dedicated service to entrepreneurs and enterprises. Over the course of three decades, the entire team, from staff members and reporters to editors, has taken immense pride in their contribution to the development of the business community, the socioeconomic progress of the nation, and the evolution of Vietnam's revolutionary press.

Business Forum Magazine is honored with the Emulation Flag of VCCI for its outstanding contributions

Establishing an effective information channel

In his opening address, journalist Nguyen Linh Anh, Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of Business Forum Magazine, recounted the magazine's inception on November 5, 1993, an era that coincided with the emergence and growth of the Vietnamese business community during the period of Doi Moi (reform).

Throughout its 30-year journey, Business Forum Magazine has matured across all dimensions, emerging as a crucial information conduit bridging the Party, the State, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), and various relevant stakeholders with the business community, entrepreneurs, and readers. The magazine has admirably executed its duties, which encompass disseminating information and advocating the Party's directives, policies, resolutions, State regulations, and the activities of VCCI, the business community, and Vietnamese entrepreneurs. It has consistently supported the overarching objective of fostering wealth, a strong nation, and a just, democratic, and civilized society. The magazine has actively initiated patriotic emulation campaigns, recognized exemplary groups and individuals, and assumed the mission of being a robust media institution, boasting a highly proficient and principled team of employees and reporters.

Mr. Le Quoc Minh, Vice Chairman of the Central Propaganda Commission, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association, and Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, along with Mr. Tran Thanh Lam, Vice Chairman of the Central Propaganda Commission, present the Certificate of Merit and flowers to congratulate Business Forum Magazine

"Business Forum Magazine has evolved into a critical source of practical information that guides the business community to enhance production and competitiveness. It also serves as a conduit for conveying business perspectives to the authorities," noted Nguyen Linh Anh. "The magazine has been actively involved in policy refinement, organizing numerous forums and seminars for soliciting business opinions, contributing to key draft laws, including the Law on Tax Administration, the Land Law, the Law on Criminal Procedure, the Law on Cybersecurity, the Law on Planning, and the Law on Special Economic Administrative Units. Each year, the magazine hosts between 15 and 25 forums nationwide."

The magazine's unwavering loyalty to its principles, serving as the voice of the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs, has enabled it to become a leading publication for business and entrepreneurship. Anh emphasized that Business Forum Magazine is committed to continuously improving and deepening collaboration with entrepreneurs, economic experts, researchers, and authorities. The objective is to deliver valuable information that assists the business community in enhancing production and competitiveness while offering timely insights and recommendations to the Party and State for the refinement of policy institutions and socioeconomic management.

In recognition of its 30th anniversary, the magazine received the prestigious Emulation Flag from VCCI, the Certificate of Merit from the Central Propaganda Commission, and the Certificate of Merit from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Prioritizing innovation and distinctiveness

According to VCCI President Pham Tan Cong, Business Forum Magazine was established at a pivotal juncture when Vietnam initiated the Doi Moi process. During this period, VCCI formally separated from the Ministry of Foreign Trade to assume its role as the national agency representing the Vietnamese business community, safeguarding their rights and advancing their development. Business Forum Magazine was entrusted with the responsibility of being the official mouthpiece of VCCI and the forum and voice of the Vietnamese business community.

Mr. Pham Tan Cong affirmed that Business Forum Magazine has continued to adapt to the evolving times. It consistently delivers content that is comprehensible, featuring language that resonates with businesspeople, companies, and readers. The magazine's "commitment and engagement" extend beyond traditional news reporting. It has pioneered activities that transcend journalism, such as organizing forums and workshops to solicit business opinions since the 2000s. The magazine has actively participated in shaping critical amendments to significant business-related laws, and it annually hosts a series of programs and events, including the National Startup Program and forums and seminars covering crucial business sectors like logistics, real estate, banking, and finance. This approach aids in identifying solutions to prevailing challenges and impediments that businesses encounter.

Delegates join Business Forum Magazine for a group photo, recognizing their significant contribution to the development of the business community, the socioeconomic progress of the nation, and the evolution of Vietnam’s revolutionary press

VCCI President Cong highlighted that the nation, its entrepreneurs, and businesses are currently witnessing an era of unprecedented development opportunities. In response to this shifting landscape, he proposed several developmental requisites for Business Forum Magazine:

First, leadership: Business Forum Magazine must maintain its role as a pioneering press agency committed to safeguarding and nurturing the sustainable growth of Vietnamese entrepreneurs and enterprises. The magazine is urged to cultivate a journalistic culture and champion the propagation of Vietnamese business ethics and business culture.

Second, nurturing distinctiveness and values: The magazine should prioritize creativity and innovation in its forms, content, and technologies to establish its distinctive identity, capitalizing on its large readership, customer base, and extensive business community partnerships.

Third, a comprehensive data repository: It is imperative for Business Forum Magazine to evolve into a "large and reliable data warehouse" regarding entrepreneurs and businesses. This entails ensuring accurate, timely information that facilitates efficient information retrieval and storage.

President Pham Tan Cong expressed confidence in Business Forum Magazine's trajectory and foresaw it scaling new heights in terms of organizational growth, size, quality, and performance. The magazine is poised to become a formidable, respected economic press agency in Vietnam, effectively upholding its role as the mouthpiece of VCCI and the voice of the business community.

Mr. Le Quoc Minh

Vice Chairman of the Central Propaganda Commission, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper

Business Forum Magazine has achieved remarkable growth and success with its publications and works, thanks to the efforts of its leadership and nearly 150 employees and reporters. Despite the challenges and uncertainties in the current context, the magazine has maintained its quality and credibility as a voice of the Party and the State, as well as a forum for the business community and the people.

The press, including the Vietnamese press, is at a critical juncture, where it must choose the direction for its future development. Tomorrow’s journalism will be different from yesterday’s, and even more so from a few decades ago. The role of the press in the modern era is even more vital, as many people rely on the information they find on social networks, which may not be accurate or reliable. The press must uphold its standards and ethics, and provide the public with trustworthy and relevant news and insights.

Business Forum Magazine has embraced the humanistic element that the Vietnam Journalists Association, the Central Propaganda Commission, the Ministry of Information and Communications and Nhan Dan Newspaper have launched in the past year. By promoting a cultured environment in press agencies, the public and readers’ trust in news articles, contents, and orientations can be rekindled. In case of press regulations being breached, even criminalized, the Central Propaganda Commission, the Ministry of Information and Communications, and the Vietnam Journalists Association will resolutely handle such violations to clean up the Vietnamese press environment in the coming time.

We are continuing our growth and innovation, and to being an important pillar of Vietnamese journalism. In 2024, we will prepare for the centennial celebration of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press, a proud and historic milestone for our profession.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications

Business Forum Magazine has been a pioneer in the Vietnamese press since the early 1990s, when the country embarked on the Doi Moi (reform) process. The magazine has showcased the innovative changes in the mindset and actions of the Party, the State, and the society through its sharp and insightful articles on the business life of Vietnamese enterprises and entrepreneurs. The magazine has also acted as a bridge between the business community and the Party, the State, and the Government, providing valuable opinions and feedback on economic, trade, and investment policies. Moreover, the magazine has organized meaningful programs such as the National Startup Program, which supports the development and growth of new businesses.

The relationship between the press/media and the businesses is organic and symbiotic. They go together and develop together. Business Forum Magazine, with its vivid tradition and resilience, will continue to play its role as a bridge connecting the business community with the Party and the State. The magazine will also strive to match its glorious role throughout its 30-year history, and to fulfill its noble mission as the voice of the business community and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).

Enterprises and entrepreneurs need the press and the media to share, understand, and encourage them, especially in times of hardship and uncertainty. They also need them to help seize new opportunities and establish their presence in the domestic and international markets. Likewise, the press and the media need to be recognized by the business community as trustworthy and upright companions, with whom they can work together to cultivate a pure, civilized, and professional relationship and achieve joint progress.

Mr. Pham Van The

Chairman of Quang Ninh Business Association

Business Forum Magazine has faithfully and comprehensively depicted the economic, social, and cultural life of Quang Ninh province and the country, with a focus on the roles and activities of the entrepreneurs in accordance with the Party policies and State laws. The magazine covers various aspects of Quang Ninh province, such as social and economic activities, investment attraction, transport infrastructure, tourism, services, and political, economic, and cultural events. The magazine also reports on the activities of the Quang Ninh Business Association in a positive and effective manner.

We have had the pleasure of meeting the leaders, officials, and reporters of Business Forum Magazine, who were very friendly, close, and willing to share information about our businesses and our association. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Business Forum Magazine, we would like to express our gratitude to Business Forum Magazine for being a long-time partner and a true friend who has shared our challenges and opportunities.

Mr. Pham Dinh Doan

President of Phu Thai Group

Business Forum Magazine has to adapt to the changing needs of the business community in the new era. The magazine has a 30-year history of prestige, relationship-building, and knowledge-sharing with the business community. To meet the information needs of the business community, Business Forum Magazine needs to build a strong team of experts and reporters, and strengthen its influence and impact.

The business community has also grown significantly in the past 30 years. On the occasion of this 30th anniversary, we hope that Business Forum Magazine will leverage its existing platforms to be a bridge between the business community and the Party and State. We hope that the magazine will continue to maintain its achievements and excellence.

By: Anh Mai, Vietnam Business Forum



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