A recommendation on the Circular No. 15/2016 / TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction dated 30 June 2016 guiding the issuance of construction permits

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 16:13:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Name of recommendations: A recommendation on the Circular No. 15/2016 / TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction dated 30 June 2016 guiding the issuance of construction permits

Status: Has not been responded

Recommended by units: The VCCI’s Branch in Vung Tau City

Official letter: No 0707/PTM - VP, dated: 2018-04-12

Recommended contents:

According to the Circular No. 15/2016 / TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction dated June 30, 2016 on guiding the issuance of construction permits: Dossiers of application for construction permits of projects, Applicants must have documents evidencing their land use rights in accordance with the land law. This is very difficult for investors, especially for large projects (over 20ha). Investors are keen on reaching any land deals with the people, ensuring that  the land is in line with the project's plan to be licensed for the construction of the project. However, only 5% up to 7% of the land can not be negotiated, investors can not be licensed to set up projects, which greatly hinders investors. Investors and businesses in the construction industry have recommended the Ministry of Construction to reconsider this provision, which may require investors to own only 80% of the land under the project plan that will be licensed to investors for further agreement with the people and implementation of the project. In addition, for land plots that investors can not agree with households (in fact there are many households, investors can not and can not agree), investors are also very hope that they will receive the attention, support and intervention  of the State in the recovery and clearance of the land to help businesses, possibly through the issuance of policies to support the recovery of specific projects in local areas, so as to both ensurance of the interests of households and the rights and progress of the project of investors.

Responded by units: The Ministry of Construction

Official letter: , dated:

Responded contents:


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