Party official welcomes Total’s investment in Vietnam

Fri, 22 Nov 2019 17:46:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh said Vietnam needs huge investment in the energy sector and wants to attract world leading groups with experience and advanced technology such as the French oil and gas group Total.

Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission
Nguyen Van Binh (right) and Philip Olivier, Vice President LNG Business Unit in the Gas,
Renewables & Power branch of Total (Photo: VNA)

At a reception in Hanoi on November 21, Binh told Philip Olivier, Vice President LNG Business Unit in the Gas, Renewables & Power branch of Total that he appreciated the group’s investment and business in Vietnam’s energy sector, which contributed to the development of the energy market in Vietnam and meeting the country’s energy demand.

The Party official stressed that Vietnam aims to develop a synchronous and reasonable system of energy combining electricity, oil and gas, coal, new energy and renewable energy, with priority given to clean, new and renewable energy.

Vietnam’s Party and State are willing to listen to the needs of Total and French investors in Vietnam, and support their investment and business operations.

Olivier said he wishes to continue receiving support from the Vietnamese Party and State, adding that the group wants to make long-term investment and participate in key projects in Vietnam’s electricity sector, as well as in promoting the development of the energy market, especially LNG-fuelled power which is a strength of Total. 




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