Business registration is not a business license

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:27:00

Business registration certificate is not a business license. The contents of the Business Registration Certificate are stipulated in Article 29 of theEnterprise Law 2014 , excluding contents of business lines.

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Payment procedures for health insurance after hospital discharge

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:25:00

Ms. Le Thi Nguyen (in Ho Chi Minh City) gave birth to a premature baby. When she went to the hospital, she did not bring her health insurance card. At present, Mrs. Nguyen has been discharged from the hospital and paid her own hospital fees. All hospital bills have information ofher company. Ms. Nguyen would like to ask, isshe paidback the hospital fee ? If so, howis procedure?

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Is it able that interruption of more than 12 months connected to the working time?

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:22:00

According to regulations, for officials at communal level who hold the title under the Decree No. 09/1998 / ND-CP, the interruption time before January 1998 is not more than 12 months, the time shall be added byprevious working time with later working time to calculate social insurance.

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Conditions apply direct shopping

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 11:15:00

The agency of Ms. Le Diep (in Hanoi) organized a bidding package for goods procurement, with a biding winning unit and signed a contract. In the process of implemention of the contract, the agency arises the need to buy one more package of goods with the same contents, unit price and less than 50% of the value of the original bidding package.

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Is it possible to arrange compensatory leave instead of overtime pay?

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:47:00

Ms. Ha Nguyet's company (hanguyet66 @ ...) requires employees to work on holidays, but does not pay salary for working holidays in accordance with the Labor Code but arranges employees to take off for 3 days. Ms. Nguyet would like to ask, is that appropriate?

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Basis for calculating overtime pay at State enterprises

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:43:00

In a limited liability company owned by the State with 100% of charter capital, the plan salary fund of employees is determined based on the number of employees and the average wage level associated with labor productivity and plan profits.

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Can a master's degree get an extra salary grade?

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:40:00

Ms. Hoang My Linh (in Hanoi) has a master's degree in 2015 and took an exam for a position of a member of the District Farmers' Association with university or higher degree requirements. After matriculation, she was given a level 1 salary, a coefficient of 2.34. So, does Ms. Linh enjoys a first-rate salary or a level 2 salary equivalent to a master's degree?

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Is company’s website an e-commerce website?

Fri, 15 Feb 2019 11:07:00

According to Mr. Ngo Dat Tri, currently, small companies are developing websites to display products, without prices, shopping carts, ordering features, online trading features, but assigned a name as the e-commerce website and the inspector are obliged to notify and register with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, otherwise a fine will be imposed.

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Provisions on signing a probationcontract

Fri, 15 Feb 2019 11:00:00

When the employee and the employer have an agreement on trial work, the two parties conclude a probation contract. The probation period is based on the nature and level of complexity of the job, but only tested once for a job and ensure the conditions specified in Article 27 of the Labor Code.

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Bidding documents are required for practice certificate duration

Fri, 15 Feb 2019 10:58:00

If at the time of bid closure, the personnel proposed by the contractor to assume the position of a technical officer with a supervisory practice certificate is still valid, this personnel shall be evaluated to meet the requirements of the bidding dossier for content on supervision practice certificate.

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