Ways to identify soil types
Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:29:00 | Print | Email Share:
Mr. Ngo Ngoc Duc (Bac Giang) inquired about the classification of land used for constructing the management house of a power generation project, whether it falls under the category of land for public facilities, business and production, or commercial and service land.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment responded to this matter as follows:
In Section of Appendix No. 01, which explains the methods of determining the type of land, the type of land use, and the type of land management objects (issued together with Circular No. 27/2018/TT-BTNMT dated December 14, 2018, on regulations for land use statistics, inventory, and mapping of land use status), it is stipulated that:
"Land for energy projects is land used for the construction of energy facilities, including power plants and their associated facilities such as fuel storage yards, waste storage, substations, cooling systems, operation houses, dam systems, reservoirs, water conduits primarily serving hydropower plants; power transmission systems such as power poles, power transmission lines, substations; pipeline systems, storage facilities, petrol, oil, gas pumping stations (including land to be reclaimed for the safety protection corridor of energy projects); facilities for the extraction and processing of petrol, oil, gas; business and service facilities such as offices, workplaces, production, repair, and maintenance facilities within the scope of power plants and facilities for the extraction and processing of petrol, oil, gas."
Therefore, the management house is considered an associated facility of the power plant, and as a result, the land used for constructing the management house belongs to the category of land for energy projects.
By: Source: Chinhphu.vn (Government Newspaper)./Translator: LeAnh-Bizic
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