The State supports 100% of the cost of purchasing insurance for ships to attract fishermen to participate in insurance, protecting their interests before risks.

Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:26:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Name of recommendations: The State supports 100% of the cost of purchasing insurance for ships to attract fishermen to participate in insurance, protecting their interests before risks.

Status: Responded

Recommended by units: The Center for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises – VCCI

Official letter: No 3353/PTM - VP, dated: 2017-12-14

Recommended contents:

The risk of shipwreck and death of crew members on fishing ships are higher than that of other modes of transportation and business. Therefore, buying insurance for ships is essential, reducing the burden on fishermen when the risk occurs. According to the Decree 89/2015 / ND-CP on amending and supplementing some articles of the Decree 67/2014 / ND-CP on a number of fisheries development policies, To provide funding for the purchase of insurance for offshore fishing ships, offshore fishing logistic service ships which are crew members, cooperatives of aquatic resource exploitation, fishery unions and have a general general host generators from 90CV or higher as follows:

 “Annual support for hull, equipment and fishing gear insurance on each ship (insurance of all risks) at the rate of:

a) 70% of the cost of insurance for ships with a total main engine capacity of 90 CV or under 400 CV;

b) 90% of the insurance premium for ships with a total main engine capacity of 400 CV or more. "

Although 90% of the premiums are still available to fishermen, many fishermen often ignore insurance. Therefore, many businesses are proposing that the state subsidize 100% of the ship insurance, in exchange for the state can reduce the oil subsidy. Fishing is one of the high risk occupations. In order to encourage fishermen to join the insurance, the State should support 100% of the cost of purchasing insurance to attract fishermen to participate in insurance and protection of fishermen's rights against risks.

Responded by units: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Official letter: 668/BNN-QLDN, dated: 2018-01-23

Responded contents:

The insurance policy is stipulated in the Draft Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Decree No. 67/2014 / ND-CP dated July 07, 2014 as amended by the Prime Minister and approved by the concerned ministries and branches. Accordingly, it is not stipulated that the State supports 100% of the cost of hull insurance to ensure the equality of policy beneficiaries with other subjects, on the other hand to raise the sense of responsibility of owners of ships in ensuring safety for ships and people engaged in fishing at sea. The policy on insurance support is stipulated in Clause 5, Article 1 of the Draft amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the Decree No. 67/2014 / ND-CP, specifically is as follows:

"Article 5.- Insurance policy: The State budget shall provide full support for the purchase of security for offshore fishing ships and offshore fishing logistic service ships which are crew members. fishing cooperatives and having a total capacity of main engines of 90 cv or more:

  1. To provide 100% of the annual fund for accident insurance for crew members working on board.
  2.  Annual support of 50% of the cost of hull insurance (insurance for all risks associated with the hull, excluding fishing equipment and fishing gear). "
  3. The contents mentioned in Section 8, Appendix 3 to the Document No. 3353 / PTM-VP dated December 14, 2017 of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, responding to the request of the Duc Minh Joint Stock Company for annulment of the registration of feed products (feeds) circulated nationwide:

Management of feed foods by category or product code is a way of management completely consistent with the current law, the issuance of codes for feed products are allowed to circulate and create conditions. It is advantageous for the law observance related to the quality and safety of foodstuffs of business people, which is favorable for the State management. The list of feeds is the basis for state management agencies to implement specific policies only applicable to animal feeds and the list is also a technical barrier to protect domestic animal feed production and trading. The method of feed management according to the list is applied by all countries in the world and in the region. The content of this recommendation has been specifically answered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for Duc Minh Joint Stock Company in the Document No. 5027 / BNN-CN dated June 19, at the same time, the Ministry also issued a written reply No. 9043 / BNN-QLDN dated October 26, 2017 to the Government’s Office.

  1.  The contents mentioned in Section 36, Appendix 3 to the Document No. 3353 / PTM-VP dated December 14, 2017 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam, responding to the request of the Van Phat Liquor Limited Company for additional information, recognized the Van Phat Liquor Company's sugarcane plant on the list of sugar mills and added the sugarcane plantation area of ​​the Company into the planning of sugarcane material production in the Phu Yen Province:

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (the focal agency is the Department of Marine Products and Agricultural Market Development, the implementation agency is the Institute of Agricultural Planning and Design) has reviewed and adjusted the national sugarcane planning up to 2020, with orientation to 2030. Accordingly, the Ministry has coordinated with related agencies of the Phu Yen Province to review the status of sugarcane industry in the province and have planned production sugar cane of the Phu Yen Province till 2020 with a vision to 2030 with the sugarcane raw material area of ​​the whole province, stabilizing 25,832 hectares; The capacity of 03 sugar mills will reach 18,000 tons of cane per day by 2020 and increase to 25,500 tons of cane per day by 2030.

At present, the planning has been completed and the draft document on national sugarcane planning up to 2020 with orientation to 2030 has been submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to the Government’s Prime Minister for consideration and approval.

The Mnistry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall work out a master plan on the sugarcane industry nationwide and be descriptive for the provinces, while the provinces shall elaborate detailed plans for each plant according to the specific situation of the locality. Currently, the Phu Yen Province is implementing the conclusion of the Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh according to the Announcement No. 382 / TB-VPCP dated August 18, 2017 by the the Government’s Office. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will continue to work with local authorities to solve this problem.


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