Recommendation on requesting management agencies should complete the system of legal documents soon while ensuring regulations that are appropriate, clear and create conditions for the development of enterprises.

Thu, 11 Jan 2018 08:40:00  |  Print  |  Email   Share:

Name of recommendations: Recommendation on requesting management agencies should complete the system of legal documents soon while ensuring regulations that are appropriate, clear and create conditions for the development of enterprises.

Status: Responded


Official letter: 0874/PTM - VP, dated: 2017-04-20

Recommended contents:

Over time, legal documents in general and legal documents on tax in particular are constantly changing. These are direct regulations that affect businesses in general, including those that are subject to statutory auditing, and at the same time affect auditing firms. However, the propaganda and dissemination to the affected subjects of these documents are limited, and meanwhile guidelines are not timely after issuances. Therefore, it is recommended that regulators should strengthen the dissemination and interpretation of legal documents for enterprises to understand and implement in reality. At the same time, consultancy departments of the management agencies should be strengthened counseling content in quantity and quality improvement, ensuring timely, complete and accurate.

Some legal documents have not issued yet or be unclear, there is not a Law on Associations and there are regulations in the draft of Law on Associations that are not suitable with the practice of professional associations such as foreigners are not allowed to  be members of the association; the Law on Enterprise does not clearly define the concept of an "accountant", an "auditor"; an "professional auditor" ...

Responded by units: The Ministry of Finance

Official letter: 6117/BTC-CST, dated: 2017-05-11

Responded contents:

According to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, promulgated legal documents on tax shall be posted on the Finance Ministry's electronic information portal and sent to the State administrative agencies, VCCI, associations ... at the same time, the Ministry of Finance has guided the new points and directed the local tax authorities to conduct training, propagation and dissemination of regulations and new points of the legal documents. New tax legislation promulgated for taxpayers. At present, the Ministry of Finance is developing a tax information portal for better support taxpayers.

In addition, the draft of Law on Associations was posted on the website of the National Assembly for comments of organizations, enterprises and individuals, so that auditing enterprises can study and give their opinions directly to the agencies for studying, leading and consulting and finalizing the draft of law.


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