Instructions to close the social insurance book when leaving work

Tue, 31 Jan 2023 15:47:00

Ms. Pham Thu Huyen (Hanoi) left her job at a company from February 2021 but the company did not report a reduction in social insurance contributions. In June 2021, when Ms. Huyen asked, the company announced to terminate her contract. The company owes Ms. Huyen's social insurance contributions for April-June 2021 period.

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If the company still owes social insurance, how does the employee receive one-time social insurance?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Ms. Nguyen Minh Thao (Binh Dinh province) was given the deadline to pay social insurance premiums in October 2019, and did not continue to participate in voluntary social insurance. When she made a one-time social insurance benefit, she was answered that her company still owes her social insurance money, so her application was not processed.

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How to spend extra income for people who have rotated, retired?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Mr. Lam Huu Phuoc (Ha Dong) is working at a non-business unit under the Center for Information, Culture and Sports (group 4). By the end of 2021, the unit has saved money from the funding that is regularly assigned autonomously to pay extra income for its employees.

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How many days off can an employee with COVID-19 get?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Ha Thi My Loan (Binh Dinh) asked, according to regulations, employees who pay social insurance contributions for less than 15 years are entitled to a maximum of 30 days of sick leave. So, if you take sick leave due to COVID-19 infection (F0) in 2022, is it cumulative to the sick leave of 2022 or separately?

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Can an employee authorize other to receive pensions and social insurance benefits?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Due to personal reasons, Ms. Le Thi Lan (Quang Ngai) cannot write an application and receive a lump-sum social insurance payment. Ms. Lan asked, can she authorize her relatives to write an application and get her one-time social insurance regime?

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Is it possible to hire another unit for cadastral mapping?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Mr. Vy Thanh Quang (Dak Nong) was assigned as the investor of a number of compensation and site clearance projects. According to the instructions, his unit coordinated with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Branch of the Land Registry Office to review and determine whether the project implementation area has been measured and made cadastral maps or not to serve as a basis for implementation.

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Is it possible to re-issue the land use right certificate when the actual area is larger?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Mr. Huynh Van Vuong's company (Can Tho) was named in the Land Use Right Certificate and was adjusted to change the use purpose to the land for production and business establishments in 2006.

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How to handle an invoice with wrong name of purchaser?

Sat, 24 Dec 2022 15:26:00

Company A provides services to company B (with contract and settlement minutes). But when writing the invoice, the accountant of Company A mistakenly wrote the name of the purchasing unit (Company name - Address - Tax code) as that of Company C.

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Can pregnant female employees work overtime?

Thu, 22 Dec 2022 14:58:00

Ms. Nguyen Thom (Binh Phuoc province) asked, if an employee doing heavy, hazardous and dangerous work is pregnant from the first to sixth month of pregnancy and has no need to take an hour off/day and wants to work overtime which should be agreed by the employer, is it a violation of the regulations?

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Can social insurance for the director be paid at the rate of VND 50 million/month?

Thu, 22 Dec 2022 14:58:00

Persons working under indefinite-term labor contracts, definite-term labor contracts of full 1 month or more, and enterprise managers who are directors of enterprises receiving salary and are eligible for participation in compulsory social insurance.

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Employees must have enough time to pay the minimum social insurance premiums to enjoy the pension

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 14:25:00

Mr. Do Cao Chuong (Lam Dong) was born on September 8, 1962, has paid compulsory social insurance for 16 years and 1 month, including 15 years of working in the region with the allowance coefficient of 0.7. He resigned from his job in October 2018 and is reserving the time to pay social insurance premiums. In September 2022, Mr. Chuong is 60 years old, is he eligible to retire yet?

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What is retirement age when downsizing payroll

Tue, 08 Nov 2022 09:09:00

Ms. Lan Ngoc asked: I am 49 years old, a health officer, has paid social insurance contributions for 23 years. Ms. Lan Ngoc asked if she is old enough to retire under the downsizing scheme?

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Question about sickness or occupational accident benefits

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 09:59:00

Ms. Minh Thanh (Binh Duong) asked if she had a traffic accident, would this case be resolved as an illness or a labor accident?

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How to calculate severance allowance for foreign workers

Fri, 07 Oct 2022 09:23:00

Duong Cam Huyen's company (HCMC) hired foreign workers from a third party, and on December 31, 2019, it was temporarily suspended. From January 1, 2020, the company directly hired this foreign worker in the form of a collaborator contract, the position of a strategic consultant, and at the same time carried out procedures to extend the work permit until the 15th June 2022.

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Working in 2 companies, how to handle social insurance and occupational accidents?

Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:12:00

A reader has email address at sent an email to Lao Dong Newspaper asking: If the employee works at two companies, how is the social insurance and occupational accident settlement?

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Expenses to support employees from the Unemployment Insurance Fund until September 10, 2022

Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:12:00

Ms. Hoang Thi Bang (Lang Son) has submitted an application to support employees affected by the COVID-19 epidemic according to Resolution No. 116/NQ-CP, but because she has quit her job and has not closed her social insurance books, she has not be paid. However, after that, Ms. Bang closed the social insurance book.

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What is considered an illegal termination of a labor contract?

Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:12:00

Mr. Tran Van Tien (Ha Nam) was a contract employee in an educational institution from 2005 to 2008 under Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP. In 2020, the city announced the termination of labor contracts according to Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP and instructed schools to sign labor contracts according to Decree No. 161/2018/ND-CP (monthly or every 3 months).

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Employees must have enough time to pay the minimum social insurance premiums to enjoy the pension

Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:47:00

Mr. Do Cao Chuong (Lam Dong) was born on September 8, 1962, has paid compulsory social insurance for 16 years and 1 month, including 15 years of working in the region with the allowance coefficient of 0.7. He resigned from his job in October 2018 and is reserving the time to pay social insurance premiums. In September 2022, Mr. Chuong is 60 years old, is he eligible to retire yet?

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