How to arrange salary when career title changed?
Tue, 24 May 2022 09:23:00 | Print | Email Share:
Ms. Kieu Oanh (Quang Tri) was recruited as a population officer at a college on January 1st, 2011, with code 16.306, salary grade 1, coefficient 2.1. On January 1, 2020, she was raised to level 4, a coefficient of 3.03.
By August 2020, Ms. Oanh was classified as a population coffiecer of class IV, salary coefficient 2.86 (reserved difference coefficient 0.17), the next salary increase time will be from January 1, 2020. Ms. Oanh asked, is her case correct in regard such salary arrangement?
Lawyer Tran Van Toan, Khanh Hung Law Office - Hanoi Lawyer Association replied to Ms. Kieu Oanh as follows:
In the case of Ms. Kieu Oanh, on January 1, 2011 she was recruited as a civil servant and appointed the title of population office of the college, code 16,306 according to Circular No. 10/2011/TT-BNV dated August 4, 2011; Circular No. 12/2011/TT-BNV dated October 1, 2011 on titles and numbers of population officials issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Rank 1 salary, coefficient 2.1, type of civil servant A0 specified in Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP. On January 1, 2020, Ms. Kieu Oanh was given a salary increase of grade 4, grade A0, with a coefficient of 3.03. The deadline for the next salary increase is from January 1, 2020.
On April 15, 2016, the Ministry of Health - Ministry of Home Affairs issued Joint Circular No. 08/2016/TTLT-BYT-BNV stipulating codes and standards for population occupation titles (replacing Circular No. December 2011/TT-BNV).
According to the provisions of Article 6 of this Circular, public employees have an intermediate diploma in population - health or higher; or have an intermediate or higher diploma in other majors, they must have a training certificate up to the standard of population officer or equivalent to be classified as a class IV population officer - Code: V.08.10. 29.
The salary arrangement for public employees whose salary has been classified into the ranks of civil servants and public employees grade A0 specified in Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP.
Point b, Clause 3, Article 9 of Joint Circular No. 08/2016/TTLT-BYT-BNV stipulates: In case public employees have a college degree suitable to the population major, when recruiting, they have been paid civil servant salaries. , a class A0 public employee according to the provisions of Decree No. 204/2004/ND-CP, now appointed to the professional title of population member of class IV (code V.08.10.29), the salary ranking in the position Occupational list of class IV members is based on the working time with compulsory social insurance payment according to the salary scale and salary table prescribed by the State (except for the probationary period) as follows:
Calculated from level 2 of occupation title of population class IV member (code V.08.10.29), every 2 years (full 24 months) is ranked up 1 salary level (if there is a break time but not yet) Social insurance benefits are cumulative). If during the working period, there are years of failure to complete assigned tasks or discipline, they will be extended according to the regular salary increase regime.
After the salary classification is changed to the occupational title of a class IV member of the population according to the above regulations, if the salary coefficient classified as a class IV member of the occupational title plus the extra seniority allowance (if any) is low than the coefficient of salary already had in the old rank, they will be entitled to a reserve differential coefficient equal to the salary coefficient (including over-the-frame seniority allowance, if any) they are currently getting in the old rank.
This reserve differential coefficient is effective during the time the salary-ranking officer is in the occupation title of a class IV population member. After that, if the public employee is promoted to a professional title, this reserve difference coefficient may be added to the salary coefficient (including overtime allowance, if any) currently having to rank the salary in the appointed title. responsibilities when promoting professional titles and cease to get the reserve differential coefficient from the date of receiving salary in the new professional title.
In the case of Ms. Kieu Oanh, who has a college degree relevant to the population major, she has been recruited as a population officer and has paid compulsory social insurance since January 1, 2011 and has been ranked 4th, salary coefficient 3. .03 of a class A0 official from January 1, 2020. In August 2020, Ms. Kieu Oanh was appointed to the occupation title of population member class IV (code V.08.10.29) according to Joint Circular No. 08/2016/TTLT-BYT-BNV, Ms. Kieu Oanh was ranked at level 6, salary coefficient 2.86 of the professional title of population class IV member, and at the same time having the reserve differential coefficient 0.17 (3.03 - 2.86). The period for getting the new salary grade in the occupation title of a class IV member of the population is from the date of signing the decision.
Regarding the time for consideration for the next salary increase in the occupational title of a class IV population member: Based on the guidance in Clause 1, Section II of Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BNV, due to the difference between the ranked salary coefficient in the new occupational title (2.86) compared to the salary coefficient currently have in the old rank (3.03) equal to 0.17, smaller than the difference in the salary coefficient between the two adjacent salary grades in the old rank (0, 31), so in the case of Ms. Kieu Oanh, the time to consider raising the next salary level in the career title of a class IV employee is counted from January 1, 2020.
The columnist information is of reference value to the reader, not used as a document in legal proceedings
By: Translator: LeAnh-Bizic
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