A recommendation on proposing all levels and branches to examining and reviewing more thoroughly in some constructions which are emergency fire escape stairs and explosion-proof systems. Fire escape stairs are indispensable when designing and constructing
Sun, 29 Apr 2018 16:09:00 | Print | Email Share:
Name of recommendations: A recommendation on proposing all levels and branches to examining and reviewing more thoroughly in some constructions which are emergency fire escape stairs and explosion-proof systems. Fire escape stairs are indispensable when designing and constructing
Status: Has not been responded
Recommended by units: The VCCI’s Branch in Vung Tau City
Official letter: 0707/PTM - VP, dated: 2018-04-12
Recommended contents:
A recommendation on proposing all levels and branches to examining and reviewing more thoroughly in some constructions which are emergency fire escape stairs and explosion-proof systems. Fire escape stairs are indispensable when designing and constructing high-rise buildings, condominiums, buildings, etc., not only for the purpose of moving, but they are also safe for people when constructions occur incidents, so standards of high building’s fire escape stairs are quite detailed and clearly defined that they need to be noted consistently implementation when doing constructions. Especially, it needs to focus on checking the safety and quality of fire escape stairs and fire prevention systems in some high-rise buildings, apartment buildings, etc., which are deteriorating so as to ensure safety for people to work and live there.
Responded by units: The Ministry of Construction
Official letter: , dated:
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